Old rate: 1 call every 5 seconds with a burst of 10.
New rate: 1 call every 3 seconds with a burst of 15.
The details, in terms of the count system for the rate limit, are as follows (changes in bold):
Max count before lockout: 15 (lockout is for 15 minutes)
Count increment for order add/cancel calls: +0
Count increment for ledger/trade history calls: +2
Count increment for all other calls: +1
Count reduced by 1 every: 3 seconds
I would suggest also to write a simple conclusion, what is safe (not considering burst etc.) interval for trades and for other calls.
trades/ledger calls: 6s (reduced from 10s)
add/cancel calls: 0s (didn't remember how it was before)
other calls: 3s (reduced from 5s)
correct me if I'm wrong.
I believe this is the way how most of (at least not only kraken specific) trading engines will process interval parameters.