nope. mint is pretty much dormant/dead.
If you really Believe that you should not keep that worthless coin you should get rid of it as soon as possible,
so send me all of your Mintcoins for free since it has no value at MjjhupELeqVSNf6khYydXxAq81mVKj2b3y .
Still waiting for your Mintcoins.
am not a bagholder of this failed coin. cant send what i do not and will not ever wish to own. so you can have a bag of hot air which is all mint will ever be really worth.
So you never had this coin , never wanted this coin
so why are you even here, if you have no interest in it at all.
Things I have no interest in , I don't have anything to do with,
Maybe you should rethink how you Waste yours & other People's Time about something you are not involved in.
Find something you are interested in and go play there.
Because here you are just a time waster.
Just so you know what you are doing is acedia (sloth/discouragement) , one of the seven deadly sins.
2nd P.S.
Or maybe you can go explain Brain Surgery to a Doctor , since you enjoy talking about stuff you don't know anything about.