When should we expect to see PR releases?
I will be plying around with munneU tonight!
Why couldn't Mchrono answer this question? He/they must inform Terpin so that he know that they can start the PR campaign. So he knows.
Let's reset the Munne Timer and wait for answers/actions.
3 more days until the original contract expires. After that they aren't 'legally' obligated to do anything. I must say, for $18,000usd (in btc) over the last 3 months, I would be very disappointed in what I've seen from Transform PR. A handful of crypto articles on crypto sites? Probably could have bought a nice used car, slapped on a munne logo, spent a few g's on gas, and just driven around a few cities to get more exposure for that price.
Hopefully there is one hell of a thought-out PR campaign about to unleash on the mainstream, for the sake of you guys still in Munne.