Only small crafters will suffer mostly, since those who draing game funds most, having planets to craft for them anyway.
Just to give perspective on how i mean this, I'm not really trying to comment directly on what you are saying or your ideas. I mostly plan to stay out of this particular topic unless there's a specific reason I might be able to help out with a good idea or something. Also this is more of a general comment rather than directed at you personally, your post just made a handy example.
That said I've gotten the distinct impression lately that there are a growing number of people in the game that seem to believe that there are a lot of older players taking a heck of a lot of satoshi out of this game with all of their high lvl planets and such and just wanted to point a couple thingsout for context as you guys are thinking this topic over. Its simply some thoughts though, not a cut at anybody.
First, I can tell you from experience that planets are fun, they open interesting doors, they give people something to battle it out over (very occasionally these days), and as zaiusz mentioned they give you ownership and a sense of attachment. They are also a HUGE sinkhole for satoshi. I have planets that I have owned for quite a long time now, not sure how long i've played exactly but i believe well over half a year easily for a few of mine and its possible one or two of those are starting to return a profit now, but only possible. I couldn't guarantee it. It takes a lot of satoshi and a lot of time to even come close to getting money back on a planet you started from scratch. doubly so if you started while bitcoin was relatively low value lol
The second thing I would point out is this. If you look on the games front page and look at the top ten earners list you will see the name Shaton in I think the fourth spot still. Ive never met this player. They quit playing even before I started and yet they are still the fourth largest withdraw-er of satoshi. I mention this only to offer some realistic perspective on how many older players have been withdrawing at all. there aren't many who do in any large amount compared to what they could be, and those who do have generally put in a hell of a lot of time and effort to get it there.
I do get what you guys are saying but at the same time I think maybe the general view of older players with lots of planets being rich maybe needs a little adjustment in some cases if your going to look at the income issue seriously. As of right this moment, all my planets and admittedly much slowed crafting even before this update have currently got me sitting with a whopping 34000 or so satoshi in my account currently. Planets are a very very long game plan at best and if not followed through on or planned out for proper growth are really just a satoshi sink for ages before anything changes.
As a contrast to that, the most profitable method I've personally ever seen in game cost less than 150k satoshi to get started up on and is relatively accessible to everyone after passing the initial start up phase of the game.
Like I said above, this is really just being said to offer some input from the other side sort of deal, but i do believe things like this need to be known in order to properly address this issue in any way.