so i've noticed there were talks for future development, but from what i see there is 0 actual code gone into this project, how can we be sure the developer can even code? right now all we have is a clone with a few parameters changed and some advertising banners made up. github is just a few random commits, remove a comma here, comment out text here, add a line here, nothing substantial which the average unskilled joe cant do with notepad.
My question is, is there anywhere we can see actual code?
I am an unskilled Joe and I cannot tweak the difficulty algo to be more responsive, I cannot create a cryptonote gui wallet in python, i cannot merge subaddresses code into a monero's fork core, i cannot implement subaddresses use into GUI wallet (even xmr doesnt have this), i cannot do many of the things included on sumokoin's git
Now 3 possibilities here
1.You have no idea what you are talking about
2. You have no idea what you are talking about and you intentionally want to fud
3. You have no idea what you are talking about and you heard someone else fudding and came here to copy paste
Unskilled Joe please check and confirm before you post any fud