Can you address recent allegations of you using users’ hashrate, for Pepe in particular, and not paying out to users in any form.
The pool pays out in LTC and DOGE exclusively, but at a higher PPS rate than you would get otherwise, by leveraging the output from all other merged chains, such as PEP. At any given point in time, the PPS ratio reflects what rate the pool offers to miners. Sorry if I'm stating something that you already know, but I think this piece of background information is crucial to understanding. (By the way, the latest news item on the website covers the subject more in depth if you haven't read it already.) is the 2nd largest holder of Pepe with around $4 million dollars in value.
Up until very recently, PEP (as well as a number of other coins) was worth very little. We were still mining it, though, and it was contributing a tiny amount towards an increased PPS ratio. We were not selling the mined PEP because 1) we didn't have a way to sell via the exchange platforms we worked with at the time, and 2) we didn't need to. In early December, the market price of PEP (and other merge-mined coins) rose dramatically, which in turn was reflected in a PPS ratio of up to 108%. By then we had accumulated a considerable amount of PEP, but the stellar valuation you mention is purely theoretical. I'm guessing it was obtained by multiplying the total amount by the current bid price. In practice, if we tried to sell any serious amount, the price of PEP would be driven back into the ground before we could dispose of even a fraction of it.
I have seen my PPS go from 102% to 99% in the last week,
Over the past few weeks, the market prices of PEP, as well as BEL, LKY, JKC, etc., have been going down rather sharply (whereas LTC and DOGE are holding relatively steady), and as a consequence the PPS ratio is now down to 99%.
so not sure if we’re being scammed out of our hashrate and Pepe rewards by
The current PPS ratio is more than fair given the current profitability of merge-mined chains; in fact, it is very competitive even in comparison with pools that lack our track record.
If you are referring to the fact that you mined PEP back when it was near-worthless and were rewarded based on the price at the time you mined it rather than some higher price from the future, I don't think the criticism is sound. The pool's reward system has always been transparent and well documented. We've always made it clear that the pool doesn't pay out any minor merge-mined coins, and that in exchange for this miners get higher LTC and DOGE rewards than they would otherwise. If a miner wanted to get PEP back when it was cheap, because for some reason they had an inkling that its price would rise some day (I for one certainly didn't), they should have either bought it, or mined at a pool that paid it out directly.