Would you answer.
Curious question.
I'm not part of the dev team, but the POW reward depends on the number POS votes that were voted on the block. It also adds in the fees which vary block by block. Here are the rewards that you can expect.
5 valid votes (Most common) 18.71749598 + transaction fees
4 valid votes (About once per hour or two) 14.97399678 + transaction fees
3 valid votes (Once a day or less) 11.23049759 + transaction fees
Unfortunately, it is not totally predictable how many missed votes and veto votes each block may get. Also, every 6144 blocks the reward goes down. I'm not certain by how much though but it is less dramatic than the halving events of BTC.
Edit: Every 6144 blocks the reward will go down to the fraction of 100/101. (Block one-hundred one-hundred-firsting, instead of block halving. )