We still need to find someone to fill the vice-president position and someone for the fifth Board Member seat.
What does the role of Vice President actually entail (apart from
covering for the President should he be unavailable?)
Normally, meaning if we were not in an emergency situation, we would have a set of bylaws that would delineate the duties and responsibilities for each person connected to the organization, that would be: the members, the board as a whole, each board members, the chairman, the officers (Pres, VP, 2nd VP, Tres, Secy), Committee Chairs, and committee members, employees.
Although it is not a high priority item (meaning not relevant to market value) the board will likely schedule the creation of bylaws for some later time period.
To answer the question more directly, the VP's chief responsibility is exactly what you indicated (red), with or without other customary or legislative duties.
As the open nomination period is over [...]
Since only one nomination was made per seat and officer position, we don't need elections.
Well with a nomination period of ~2 days, during a week end, don't be surprised of not getting enough candidates to do a proper election.
Maybe I'm the only one not following this topic every hour, but this don't especially sounds like a democracy to me.
Maybe you should extend the "nomination" period a little?
Since April 20 EMC2 lost a tremendous amount of market value; over the past month approximately 40 people have expressed various levels of discontent with the condition we, the EMC2 community, find ourselves in; over the past 20 days the EMC2 community discussed various ways that might revive EMC2; in the past 10 days the Einsteinium Community Action Plan (ECAP) was introduced as a bold initiative to move on those great community ideas, however it failed to get overwhelming community support. Immediately after that failure, to avoid a leadership vacuum, and to enable the merits of ECAP to be readdressed in a more definitive way an election plan was drafted.
If you read all of the posts between your two most recent posts you will have all of the details and get a real sense of the mounting frustration many had with the 'time wasting' process of trying to do things in a democratic, responsible, yet expeditious fashion.
Although board and officer nominations are closed you are very much welcomed and encouraged to do all you can to help improve EMC2's condition. In a couple days the newly elected board will be reaching out to everyone seeking volunteers to participate more in focused ways.
These low prices are coming to an end, grab them up while you can: