I'm sorry but this container will overheat like mad.
Try bringing this container to south east asia, i'm using a fan that 's 1 meter by 1 meter. That small fan you have that wouldn't work
Right, thats why i say its a fake. There are no facts about how many miners can you put in one Container. There are no facts about the price for such Container, no facts about the electricity price. Especially night time, what will happen if you need the expensive electricity from the grid?
They make advertising with many buzz words to collect a lot of money. But no facts for real imvestors and miners.
I'm not sure if you are 100% right here. Let's see:
1. How many miners can you put in one Container: On their website under
https://www.envion.org/en/mobile-mining-unit/ you can see a Dash board which seems to be from a working mining unit. It says it has 58/58 ming workers workers.
They also mention the estimated price of one container. Here's what the whitepaper says
"Investment per MMU is estimated to be between
$100,000 and 150,000 at present. However, this could
change due to changes in hardware prices and market conditions. For every $10m of capital
raised during the core ICO, $9.1m will be invested in hardware, translating into 73 to 91
MMUs at present conditions."
And when I tell you, that i did make such containers for mining at Austria 2 years ago? Investment was just 10k Euro per Container and I could use 160KW electricity per Container, directly from a water power plant.
If the Container costs 100k to 150k USD and you can use 80KW per envion-Container, then make a calculation:
It will be 700000kWh per year. If you want the return of investment for the Container back within one year, then it will be: 100000k usd / 700000kwh = 14,28 Cents
It means, if you are able to buy cheap Green electricity for just 6 Cents, you need to add another 14,28 Cents for the ROI of Container. It makes 20 usd Cent per kWh for the miners and with that price you can go home
Even if you want a return of investment in 2 years, then it will be 6 Cents + 7,14 = 13,14 Cents. And then you need to add always the extra costs for the more expensive maintenance. If you have 10 containers in different locations, you need a lot of time to drive to them to do a reboot and so on... Also the risk, if someone coming night time and pick up the Container is very high! Sorry guys, but this is not a ICO I would invest money...