
Topic: [ANN][ISR] Isracoin - The Israeli cryptocurrency - page 14. (Read 110771 times)

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
FYI - Updates about the opening of Phase-II (which is happening right now) will be provided either in a few hours or later tonight both on the bitcointalk thread as well as the English version of the site.

Facebook identification process? wait to my "virtual friends" to confirm me? seriously?
Please add "the other option" as mentioned at the bottom ASAP before your coin is truly and officially is dead.
full member
Activity: 197
Merit: 100
FYI - Updates about the opening of Phase-II (which is happening right now) will be provided either in a few hours or later tonight both on the bitcointalk thread as well as the English version of the site.

Activity: 26
Merit: 0
and ...

and you can too..
full member
Activity: 145
Merit: 100
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
I use this to review ISR

Network speed was 250 yesterday
full member
Activity: 145
Merit: 100
the volume has dropped to 0.3 on Bittrex. Why aren't there any stat updates on the website? What good can come from this?
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
trolls gotta troll...
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Be carfull somebody is trying to pump the coin on Bittrex
so clear and stupid trying to sell 1ISR for a mega price zillion times  Cheesy

 Date    Buy/Sell    Bid/Ask    Total Units (ISR)    Total Cost (BTC)
06/04/2014 11:04:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:03:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:02:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:01:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:00:02 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:59:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:58:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:57:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:56:02 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:55:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
these are the auto-exchanges from the multipools
i do not see anything unusual about the asking price, i think that it is about 1 us cent and very close t the market price...
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Be carfull somebody is trying to pump the coin on Bittrex
so clear and stupid trying to buy 1ISR for a mega price zillion times  Cheesy

 Date    Buy/Sell    Bid/Ask    Total Units (ISR)    Total Cost (BTC)
06/04/2014 11:04:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:03:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:02:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:01:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 11:00:02 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:59:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:58:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:57:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:56:02 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
06/04/2014 10:55:01 PM    
   0.00001486    1.00000000    0.00001486
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
who cares .

Any of us that mined ISR and have been holding ISR are either going down with the ship (if it is a scam) or are gonna be rich (cuz its real and Israel likes it)

why waste the energy figuring out if its a scam now..
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
Err, I forgot. If you bring ONE proof of your words I'll take my words back too

What proof do you need. You asked about the pre mine scam of the coin, ok so lets see together:
as it was announce:
"Total coins pre-mined is 480,000,000 which is exactly 10% of the 4.8 billion max Isracoins possible."
the airdrop as it was announced is:
50K Bussiness * 500ISR = 25,000,000ISR
2.8M Citizens * 100ISR  =280,000,000ISR
Airdrop Sum: 305,000,000ISR
so 480,000,000M(Pre Mined) - 305,000,000(Air Drop  Wink) = 175M premind that is not for Airdrop
its a joke coin my friend, every citizen will get 100coins that worth less than 1$ and one guy that is not from Israel keep 175,000,000 coins it is realy a great Coin, guess for whom  Cheesy
and how can you compare it to Bitcoin that was 0BTC premined!
Isra Scam!

do you understand 175M coins that are not airdroped and capt by somebody out of Israel. it will take all the miners together that will ever mine Isracoin (if any will remain Wink) about 7 Years to mine!!! Grin
any other proof is needed???
you forgot 2 more phases:
phase 3 - Business Credit 5,000 x 10,000 = 50,000,000 isr
phase 4 - investment Fund - 120,000,000 isr
So here you are my friend the missing 170M that you did not bother to read in the manifest of IsraCoin.
Do your homework before you're writing nonsense  
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
OMG, are you.. how old are you?

Have you even read the official website?!airdrop/c13ps

Add Phase 1, 2, THREE AND FOUR together *facepalm*

25mil + 285mil + 50mil + 120mil = 480mil

Seriously, how old are you kiddo? I appreciate the gesture of looking after our money but you shouldn't bad mouth such hard working individuals like the Isracoin developers like that.

phases 4 I saw it is one of the big scammy parts, its not an airdrop mmm Huh
one guy that is not live in Israel holds millions of coins, so who will deside who will get them Grin
can you guess Huh
Scam Coin Cheesy
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
OMG, are you.. how old are you?

Have you even read the official website?!airdrop/c13ps

Add Phase 1, 2, THREE AND FOUR together *facepalm*

25mil + 285mil + 50mil + 120mil = 480mil

Seriously, how old are you kiddo? I appreciate the gesture of looking after our money but you shouldn't bad mouth such hard working individuals like the Isracoin developers like that.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Err, I forgot. If you bring ONE proof of your words I'll take my words back too

What proof do you need. You asked about the pre mine scam of the coin, ok so lets see together:
as it was announce:
"Total coins pre-mined is 480,000,000 which is exactly 10% of the 4.8 billion max Isracoins possible."
the airdrop as it was announced is:
50K Bussiness * 500ISR = 25,000,000ISR
2.8M Citizens * 100ISR  =280,000,000ISR
Airdrop Sum: 305,000,000ISR
so 480,000,000M(Pre Mined) - 305,000,000(Air Drop  Wink) = 175M premind that is not for Airdrop
its a joke coin my friend, every citizen will get 100coins that worth less than 1$ and one guy that is not from Israel keep 175,000,000 coins it is realy a great Coin, guess for whom  Cheesy
and how can you compare it to Bitcoin that was 0BTC premined!
Isra Scam!

do you understand 175M coins that are not airdroped and capt by somebody out of Israel. it will take all the miners together that will ever mine Isracoin (if any will remain Wink) about 7 Years to mine!!! Grin
any other proof is needed???
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
Err, I forgot. If you bring ONE proof of your words I'll take my words back too
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
The value is low for many reasons. Actually, it's pretty high if you compare it to the history of Bitcoin. What was the value of bitcoin 3 months after its release?

Isracoin is not meant, designed, or advertised to be a coin for speculative profit (which is the biiiig majority of alt coins out there). Isracoin is designed to change the way we do banking, finances, and look at the economy in general.

FFS, stop hiding behind your bitcoin community. I was at the Tel Aviv (bitcoin) embassy a month ago talking about Isracoin and you're full of crap Smiley You just read some posts on Facebook and think you know everything.

As I said, the premined money is out there for everyone to see. Anyone who's interested in the truth check it out: first post.

EDIT: lol, what? There are billions of coins supported by the network. How much more than the airdrop was premined? Do you have any proof? Premined block numbers? Account addresses? Nothing? Awwwww, how pityful...

Mr porn with whom did you talk at the Israeli Bitcoin Embassy, if you can give us one name of somebody in the Israeli community that don't know about IsraScam I'm taking all my words back, you can't keep a lie too long!
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
The value is low for many reasons. Actually, it's pretty high if you compare it to the history of Bitcoin. What was the value of bitcoin 3 months after its release?

Isracoin is not meant, designed, or advertised to be a coin for speculative profit (which is the biiiig majority of alt coins out there). Isracoin is designed to change the way we do banking, finances, and look at the economy in general.

FFS, stop hiding behind your bitcoin community. I was at the Tel Aviv (bitcoin) embassy a month ago talking about Isracoin and you're full of crap Smiley You just read some posts on Facebook and think you know everything.

As I said, the premined money is out there for everyone to see. Anyone who's interested in the truth check it out: first post.

EDIT: lol, what? There are billions of coins supported by the network. How much more than the airdrop was premined? Do you have any proof? Premined block numbers? Account addresses? Nothing? Awwwww, how pityful...
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
The airdrop accounts are public and you can see them in the original post.

I second the go home sentiment Smiley

listen, it is so sad that you didn't realized yet, the airdrop coins are just a small part of the pre-mined coins!!! Its a Scam!!!
Activity: 1404
Merit: 1001
Sure I can believe that coming from a newly created account name israeli with 3 posts. Go away  Angry

Brian you don't have to belive no one.

and Why would you care so much about everyone's money? Leave the scamcoin alone and show your real name if you have nothing to hide.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
Sure I can believe that coming from a newly created account name israeli with 3 posts. Go away  Angry

Brian you don't have to belive no one. just ask yourself why did the value of this scam coin drope in more than 1/10 in just few weeks. why all the Israeli team from the Israeli bitcoin community that made some publication in the israeli news left the boat long ago and if you know anybody from the Israeli Bitcoin community just talk 2 them. I don't want to stain my good name on this scammy coin, this is why I don't use my forum name now! u can do whatever you want with your money I was just surprised that people here dont know that its a scamcoin.
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