Hello Community,
I know I haven't been on the forums much, but the last few weeks trying to help a friend launch BitStone has caused me a lot of grief.
Lets be honest, these forums can be ridiculous at times, and launching BitStone was nothing short of a full fledged circus.
I'm still 100% on this project and we are making progress everyday.
ToshiDesk is still running 100% without a hiccup.
Like I posted in my last update, we had to move every single server we hosted on Digital Ocean over to AWS and that was a huge headache...but well worth the time it took to do so.
We completely fine tuned the process in which we make our calls - 4000 + /min, and I'm willing to show our major improvements on our public launch.
We would also like to mention that no matter how many paying users we convert on this public launch doesn't claim the destiny for ToshiDesk in any way shape or form.
I made a few bucks off helping someone launch a project, and that money has gone into keeping things a float during this expensive development stage of ToshiDesk
I will post a screen shot the proves I still am adding to the MTR/ToshiDesk development fund.
I'm trading my BTC and making profits in the market to add to this fund daily as you can see folks.
I'm also looking to find the perfect balance in this crypto world that isn't the easiest to navigate through.
Its all about who you know and how you interact with the people within your reach.
I truly feel that we have come a long way in a very short period of time, and have done our best to deliver nothing less than quality.
Making the right connections time and time again is very beneficial to the chance to take our efforts to the next level.
We are making progress day in and day out, and really have poured a lot of blood, sweat and money into this mission and we aren't looking to give up now.
Continually making improvements every chance we get, and building a true ecosystem of value is our main goal.
Things will improve with time, and our ideas and hard work will be put to the ultimate test.
We are willing to change staking percentages, if that's what the community truly wants.
Your thoughts guys?
I don't agree that any changes to MTR structure is wise.
Providing greater value and pairing it in a creative way with Toshidesk is where it can sustain or increase in value.
Breaking a promise is not a solid way to have increase. (In fact it is opposed to it.)