15 million coins traded up to 50 cents and a few hundred thousand coins to crash us right back to where we started before the pump.
Crazy part is i do not see any new large wallets.
The coin stayed on the exchange. It doesn't have to go anywhere. If there are only 33 Million coins and someone bought out 15 million they can control their position better. vipgelsi you own 10 million right, so at least we know where they are.
So now about the so called Dump, it is not a dump in this case. Think about it. Why would you buy high and sell low. Most of those trades are from the bots taking profit and resetting the price to normalize and encourage selling. The buy side will dry up again down to 7 bitcoin and then boost 100's of Bitcoin volume again. Just watch. They don't want to buy high and sell low. The buyers had to move up and drop down so that they can get an even better position later. The coin would not drop down if they bought their own coin from the exchange, that is a true pump. Then it stays because they own the Bitcoin they just sold and buy out other people positions on the way up. Then they can sustain against sells since they own the other positions.
The Attrition that has been happening also made that higher price paid for SLR not that big of a deal. So now when it moves up next time there will be less coin to crush their reserves of Bitcoin, and you will also see small wallets holding and big wallets selling during the run up. They can sustain a higher market cap and hold back their SLR in reserve. It makes the supply smaller and leverages their positions if they don't sell or dump as people think will happen. That is why you see them pull back and stop buying, so not a dump just a large supply of coin to capture and they are taking advantage of it at lower prices. So don't sell to them! LOL take your coin off the market and let them pump it. Seriously then you only sell when you need liquidity and they may provide that for you. But by then they will have a reason to Buy SLR meaning they have a glut of Older Solar Panels sitting on shelves in warehouses. And think about the people who get this deal, later they will come back and buy the latest Solar Panel from this company as it leveraged them into SLR which went to $30 a coin and also saved them money on their utility. Also think about the people who got Bitcoin for the SLR on the way up now can cash out and pay the difference the Company with the Glut of Solar Panels asks for the older panels. This is what they would normally get if they recycled the panels and the costs of goods like Labor and electricity to make the panels. That is where things get really good, it becomes a self sustaining market since people get something of value in all aspects.
I hope this is what is happening!