Design flaw. There should be a bracket holding the boards in place, especially for something you're going to ship by design.
Nevertheless what you say is true.
Multiple design flaws and seemingly non-existent QC. Pretty sketchy/clownish effort overall (did you see the 'machining' of the heat sinks!?). Bitmain isn't alone: the dragon miner I opened yesterday had its own share of ridiculous issues.
tbh, i'm not too worried about it. it's their first go around at doing a design like this and shipping it halfway around the globe. A bit of tweaking here and there I don't mind. This isn't something that will really need to be around for more than several months.
Personally I'm tired of fixing half-assed hw/fw - and not getting any support from the manufacturers in doing so (no source, no schematics, no eng contacts).