Price Update!
There is definitely something wrong with Rockminer's Windows build of cgminer 4.3.3 that was preventing any frequency other than 270. I've released a new installation package that fixes the issue and it is available in the second post. This is just a barebones rockminer customized build of cgminer 4.3.3 that I've built on my system. I've only enabled icarus support so if you are looking to GPU mine, you'll need the official build or your own build. If you've installed v1.0.0.0 of the installation package, please uninstall before installing v1.0.1.0. is also available under Additional Information on the R-Box listing @
ASICPuppy.netSweet, I will report back my findings and thanks much yo!
Works great now, thanks! I will post up some small details soon that should/might help others while setting/tuning these units.
That would me much appreciated. I'm really looking forward to picking up a few of these.
Well I am still playing with different frequencies..nothing major to report back on those yet (I am giving each freq change 12-24 test).
I did notice if you have a "cgminer.config" AND a "cg.cmd" file...ONLY changes made in the "cgminer.config" file will be reflected.
Without the "cgminer.config" changes made within "cg.cmd" will be reflected.
Currently running... --anu-freq 287 and pushing 33 Gh/s
Tested for 12-24h...
--anu-freq 270 (30 Gh/s avg)
Tested for LESS than 30 min...
--anu-freq 290 (32-33 Gh/s)
--anu-freq 295 (about same as 290 but more HWE)
--anu-freq 300 would NOT start mining