I downloaded the Siacoin stratum miner (which is a sgminer 5.4 kernel) and put in on a machine and got it showing finemon AwesomeMiner. It also allows me to import the pool and shows it with the Sia Kernel.
Is there a way to put that file (Sgminer with Siacoin) on other machines through AwesomeMiner? It would be great if it is possible.
Also, any chance of getting Genoils Ethereum miner on AwesomeMiner? I know it was discussed a page or 2 back. I am using Claymore's but really do not like it, it burns more power and doesn't yield better hashrate, especially with the Dev fee involved.
I do it with claymore and the net work agent for awesome miner . it works but you might have to drag over the miner to that PC then use the network agent for awesome miner .
leave it on the main PC that has the awesome then find it and have the network agent loaded on the PC/s you want to then in the managed miner find the software miner then use the remote agent . if that makes sense it should load any thing from the main PC to the remote PC once you have the remote from awesome miner on all the PC and that's all that's needed on those PC from what ive tried.
I 'm sure what i just explained is a little confusing the bottom line is
awesome miner on main PC set up how you want it pools and the right setting etc then on the PC you want to use remotely you should just need remote awesome miners network agent installed and running as a windows service after you told me i may want to go back and look it over i figured out how to run the remote network agent for awesome remote on other PC's with only it running and loaded with Claymore 5.1 from my main PC with no miners on the other PC . i dragged over the miner thu it seems to run better that way . i hope that made some sense .
Id rather use Genoils Ethereum but my reason is probable different then yours i asked for it at first for awesome. he said no API info or not enough,
same reason that Fee and not very good at using power right because of it , so in the end , I give them free power usages on top of a little fee sigh. (insult to injury) if they would offer some kind of one time charge like awesome does id gladly pay it and remove the forced mining.): I can only guess how bad it is for a big farm .