If xbc is right/honest and such a vulnerability exists, it's probably an issue for BBR too, as the vulnerability is allegedly in the ring-signature implementation (i.e. the cryptonote protocol).
Question is - is there such a vulnerability, or is it a market-moving FUD collusion?
edit: Choice of proposed names sucks. Boolberry is notably superior from a marketing perspective. Conservative is boring.
Vulnerability is related to hash rate and difficulty retarget and BBR differs from XMR on these. Right now BBR is getting dragged by Monero fanboys to make sure slippage to BBR doesn't happen and nothing else. I bet BCX never even knew where the BBR repo on github was let alone test it in sandbox like he initially started doing on XMR.
This is similar to what happened 2 weeks ago when XMR was attacked. XMR Fanboys were running around letting people know the vulnerability existing in BBR too (technically true), but BBR wasn't attacked and had implemented a fix.
This whole thing sucks because of a few dumbasses who are XMR propagandists, the market is not recognizing and supporting innovation.