u.a. wurde auch der BEP8-Token (auch bekannt als "MiniToken") eingeführt, dies soll auch kleineren Projekten ein Listing auf der CEX ermöglichen.
"Gegenwärtig liegen die Kosten für die Notierung eines BEP2-Tokens auf Binance DEX bei etwa 1500BNB, was ein großes Hindernis für viele kleine, vielversprechende Projekte darstellt.
Alles in allem ein interessanter Artikel...
According to Binance, these are main advantages of Binance Smart Chain:
by being EVM-compatible, it will support "all of the existing Ethereum tooling along with faster and cheaper transactions";
its interoperability with Binance Chain means that it will support "cross-chain communication and scaling of high-performance dApps that require fast and smooth user experience"; and
its on-chain governance (Proof of Staked Authority) is based on 21 validators, which means that it is sufficiently decentralized.
Last week's Nightingale upgrade to Binance Chain introduced two major new features:
The BEP8 token (aka "MiniToken").
The ability for BEP2 token issuers to "list their assets against BUSD-BD1 without the requirement of creating BNB pair first."
With regard to the new BEP 8 token, here is how Binance explains the motivation behind it:
"Currently, the cost to get a BEP2 token listed on Binance DEX is about 1500BNB, which is a big barrier to many small, promising projects.
"To build a more comprehensive venue for token trading, the idea of BEP8 Tokens is raised to accommodate the small or micro-projects, intellectual properties, and other small token economies.