Surely some folks have attorneys or other people they trust in their lives with the most intimate of details, and there can be a variety of ways for persons to make sure that they have some kind of a successorship system in place. Trusted persons might have some or all of the material, and trusted persons might not even know the complete contents of the materials that they hold if there might be a sealed envelope or a safe or maybe there would be instructions to contact another trusted person (named Benny) for further instructions or for other parts of the puzzle.
i am not suggesting that there is any ONE correct way, even though I am suggesting that some people may well not end up adequately putting systems in place or keeping the information up-to-date if there might be some papers with passwords, there might be a failure to update the sheet after some of the passwords end up needing to be changed.
Yeah , there's nothing wrong with having someone you can trust with your keys to avoid any loss of funds due to lost of passwords or death, but in determining who to give you have to take your time first to see whose trust worthy , because endup telling the wrong person, the asset may endup still better been lost . Because some folks can run with your asset before any of these tragic events (such as lost of passwords or death) takes place .
But having a good successor will actually help to prevent your asset from been lost in such way , because even though you endup forgetting the password, your successor would be able to help you access the password whenever you misplaced it.
Backing up ones wallet and passing instructions or information to heir or next of kin is not actually a bad idea and just like you said there are things we can not be sure or certain about because we are just human but the problem is sometimes human being can be unpredictable, though there are some heir or next of kin that no matter what they saw in your wallet they can never move or tempted to eliminate or still what is inside because of the ethics they have but some too even with their ethics they will look for a way to do something funny. However, the fact still remains that if you didn't pass the necessary information or instructions to the heir or next of kin and peradventure something bad happens to the investor off course the asset will be loss but it will be better if an heir take it than for it to waste.
You are right, I don't think either that any investor will be happy, allowing his funds to just go like that after his death without pass it on to his next of kin . As at this stage of your life, you are suppose to have gotten someone which you can really trust to pass your inheritance and if you don't,it means you don't trust yourself either or you are not telling yourself the truth,no matter how distance or close you can be to your family members, there most be someone which you will trust and desire to be your next of kin, if you have not gotten your own family, which I believe that even among your husband/wife and children,you still have pick someone, for me I think, it is best you chose from your family, introduce and teach the person about Bitcoin,and assist him or her to also be investing in Bitcoin, so that he will be happy and do as you wish when you need his or her help in future(mainly health related issues) or after death, there will be no problems so that your instructions on your Bitcoin investment will be carried out properly.