Yes, i am saying that they actively edited my Deposit and Trade history to reflect the switch.
No, i am not crazy, and didn't accidentally send 0.68 ZEC that i didn't have to an address i never generated. (never even traded ZEC on Cryptopia before.)
Thats a big crap you are write and say !
On your pictures there are only 0.09 of trade on Zec but in the other picture you have received 0.65 Zec !
So where are the other Zec ?
If you dont have done this maybe its possible your account got Hacked and someone have done Trade or else !
Have you the right amount on coins in your Account ? When i look at the pictures you should have more Coins now in your account balance or ?
Possible accidentally someone send it your adress or you have an deposit you have missed or dont known at the passt maybe !
but to say cryptopia is fleecing funds to wallets is hard , without any explain from a support ticket you have should done about this then !
Have you done one ? I hope .
Regards Lafu