If you have a open Support Ticket you have to wait for an reply from our Support Team
or have to wait for sort your issue from the Devs and admins !
Regards Lafu
With all due respect, It seems that the reply that youre talking about has never happened. Yes, we received one generic reply upon opening the ticket and after that we recieved nothing, even a single update. You guys clearly lacked of professionalism. The customer shouldnt feel worry in times like this, you guys should constantly communicate with them to ease their worriness that causes them to burst in anger and address your company as a scam. This is a simple thing to do I dont know why yoi guys cant do it.
Respect your customers if you want to be respected by them as well.
Its a push off tactic. Delay it long enough that the user gets pissed and walks off. Its why people put you on a endless hold when you have issues with a company. This company flat out ignores you, then guys like Lafu say we are lying. It takes some gall to say that with proof right above you showing the opposite. Its BS like this that puts crypto back. These guys are doing nothing but making crypto as a whole look bad. If you cant trust exchanges, then whats the point. They also push tons of scam coins. So they facilitate scams without actually being one. Nobody should have to go up and down research a coin that has made it onto an exchange as big as them. Thats their freakin job as a finance company. Clearly they cant be trusted in more ways then people want to acknowledge. They also wouldnt last 2 seconds stateside with their BS exchange. That says a lot. Its why I trust Coinbase. They are held accountable.
You talking big crap ! thats why im not reply to you !
By the way the support getting soon on your problem !
This here isnt for Support things !
I kicked your problem into our staff channel !
But if i read this shit here from you maybe i should tell them to wait with that ,
depends on yourself now if you stop with that crap talking and your issue gets sorted soon or not !Think first before you move !
Should be the only reply from me to you !
Regards Lafu
thats the response I would expect from a crap company. Good job. You just proved my point in force. You are just as bad as them. Go ahead and tell them to not address a legitimate problem because of a mad customer who was stolen from. Just proves how scummy you guys really are. Why should I have any respect for you. You admit to ignoring it, your admins ignore it, you do absolutely nothing to help. you guys are just horrible people that apparently ignores people based on personal opinion.horrible...... Close the ticket and I have every right to report Cryptopia to local financial authority and i will be showing them that you will break laws basesd on how you "feel", as well as prove you stole the money. Hell, you even mentioning that is enough to show it. It proves that you have the capacity to just ignore and sweep stolen money under the rug based on "opinion". So go ahead. Be a dick for no reason to people who were stolen from. Thanks for the screencap btw. This will go into the complaint. A month bro...A effin month and this is your response? LOL. Crap all the way around. I should post this to other forums showing how you really treat and feel about people. In fact...I will. Maybe if your company actually did their job I wouldnt be posting here about it, but somehow its my fault. I have no faith about your "staff channel". My ticket was opened on 3/28....Its 5/5....How could anyone. Even you wouldnt be happy if this happened to you so get real. You have one month before my financial complaint with your local authority goes into remedy. I am forced to wait 2 months because of whatever laws you have. Ive waited one...So you telling them to wait (which is absolutely crazy a representative even said that) just makes my complaint look better..As i have waited the necessary 2 months for the complaint to into mediation.
So....Ill use your quote:
"Think first before you move ! "
- Lafu