Which is my question whether you believe in the rating provided by the website. Seeing many ICO's do not match what they value. Many ICOs are arguably good ratings but when the token sales of the project only reach softcap. And there are projects that I see have a fairly mediocre rating but their token sales reach hardcap. I took the example of Lalaworld on ICObench.com they get Rating 3.7 but their token is sold out.
So let's discuss ICO Rating!
I don't believe these ratings, as the opinion made by couple of people and based on their view! At the end of the day, market/investors shows and decides who survives in it and what price is there for demand of curtain category of product, that ico based on. I of course pay attention to the these rating's and have more interest in reading white paper and what it has to offer, but only after doing my own research, I decide whether to trust this rating or not, which most of the times I don't trust