
Topic: Economic Devastation - page 120. (Read 504776 times)

hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
February 19, 2015, 12:48:04 PM

Note I have not seen a physician on this particular aspect of my throat recently. If someone feeds back to me that I should, I probably will at some point soon.

Man!!! Go to the doctor immediately!
You never know, it could be cured.
Stay away from stress, exercise if you can, cut the processed crap and sugars.
All the luck!

Good luck.
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
February 19, 2015, 07:08:18 AM

Note I have not seen a physician on this particular aspect of my throat recently. If someone feeds back to me that I should, I probably will at some point soon.

Man!!! Go to the doctor immediately!
You never know, it could be cured.
Stay away from stress, exercise if you can, cut the processed crap and sugars.
All the luck!
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
February 19, 2015, 05:52:16 AM
I don't know how representative this is of France, but looks like a Islamic volcano ready to explode when the economy turns down.

If both your parents don't work, you are likely not to be productive either even if the state pours a lot of money in schools, housing ect. All this money may or may not help but you are still likely not to be productive because you are starting way off with both parents not working.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 19, 2015, 05:12:23 AM
OFF TOPIC. For those who are wondering about my chronic health issue.

Photos of back of my oral cavity: severe viral infection or oral cancer

Note I have not seen a physician on this particular aspect of my throat recently. If someone feeds back to me that I should, I probably will at some point soon.

I think I am correct to become aggressive in my treatment, because I have so many confirmations of HPV attacking in the head & throat area where it normally kills men with cancer about 10 - 15 years after initial
infection. In theory I was infected in 2006.

See 3 attached pics. Note also that my dangling soft palate is not pink not a solid color, rather more off whitish with pinkish spots.

Note I've had difficult swallowing for 2 years and larger tablets that I used to swallow easily not get lodged in my throat more easily.

Note I often have tightness in my throat and also nearly always have to clear my throat (of Flem) before I can speak.

Since the bulk of papillae is focused on the back of tongue, it is the most common place for the appearance of fur. Besides, this part of the tongue can be affected by vesicles (bubbles), which result from herpes infection

Uniform fur, located all over the back of tongue, is one of the
distinctive features of inflammation. It can appear on the background of acute respiratory infection, as well as in the aggregate of symptoms of such serious ENT diseases, as tonsillitis or diphtheria (in case of diphtheria, however, the fur has grayish hue). Sometimes, blotches concentrate in the view of the tongue tonsil, without spreading all over the back of tongue.

Besides, white spots on back of tongue accompany diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis). In case of the last 2 pathologies, the fur has more of a yellow coloring.

Mononucleosis, also known as mono, is a contagious, viral infection that can cause white patches on the throat. This condition can cause symptoms for months and tends to be associated with severe fatigue and a sore throat. If you have mononucleosis, you may notice yellow or white spots on the back of your throat (where your tonsils reside). It is important to note that a strep throat infection that refuses to go away, even with treatment, can signal mononucleosis.

You may experience recurrent rashes, drowsiness, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, a lack of appetite and/or a swollen spleen, along with the white spots on the throat, fatigue and sore throat. Treatment may involve learning how to effectively manage your condition and/or any related infections. You can expect your fatigue to subside within a couple months.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 19, 2015, 01:27:56 AM
I don't know how representative this is of France, but looks like a Islamic volcano ready to explode when the economy turns down.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 18, 2015, 01:03:50 PM
Cross-posting from the Skycoin thread...

Gold price wont increase. Bitcoin wont increase. By the time this starts, the capital flows get cut off and there will be no money or capital inflows left to pump into the assets. All capital flows will get sucked in by extraction and a cratering economy. There will not be any hyperinflation. The prices may not increase until the chaos settles and economic growth resumes.

I roughly agreed with everything you had written, except for the clarification on Armstrong's model complexity, and I disagree with the above quote.

That capitals flows will get cut off is a possibility and worth discussing. If that happens, even partially, it will surely have effects, Dark Age or not. You cannot just ignore it or declare it not so.

I did not write that capital flows will not get cut off. They surely will!

I wrote that it is very unlikely that capital controls are successfully enforced in every nook and cranny of the globe, such that all global wealth is destroyed and we go into a Dark Age where only food is money. As far as I know, that has never happened in recorded history. Dark Ages have occurred (where only food was money and all the gold and silver gets buried in the ground because it is useless), but they were always limited to a portion of the globe. Asia has no economic incentive to do capital controls, they are not bankrupted by huge government socialism and cultural decadence as the West is. Asia will cooperate with the USA and Europe to hunt down the non-Asians, for as long as USA and Europe remain important markets. But Asia will not and has no incentive to apply wealth destruction to its own citizens, other than going after corruption in government (e.g. coup in Thailand, firing 900 party officials in China, and the Napoles scandal in the Philippines). Rather it is launching free trade and migration Asian Union in 2015. Asia is moving the opposite direction, and is becoming more financially liberalized, not less.

Skycoin was arguing that it was impossible for gold to rise because he was asserting that all wealth would get cut off. He was using that as a justification for why we need his Skycoin. I disagreed with him and also I think that is very pitiful marketing strategy. Good for a pump and dump on wide-eyed crypto zealots only. Rather I'd actually like to create something that normal people would flock too without any self-flatulating doom porn pumping.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 18, 2015, 01:03:17 PM
It could just be considered being friendly.

Your "open-minded" attitude is a sign of decadence. In China, party officials are publicly demolished for immoral intrigue. Long gone is the era where doing something that could even be misperceived as immoral was considered a liability to public office. And long gone is the right to be politically incorrect on gay rights, feminism, etc..

hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
February 18, 2015, 08:35:23 AM

Joe Biden's woman-touching habit

Vice President Joe Biden left some observers in and out of Washington aghast with his whisper-in-ear embrace of new Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter's wife Stephanie at Carter's swearing-in Tuesday. As Carter was delivering his first speech as Pentagon chief, Biden, standing in the background, put his arms on Stephanie Carter's shoulders and his face to her ear, apparently telling her something in what could reasonably be interpreted as an intimate embrace. A still image of the gesture shot around the social media world:

He did it with a politician's daughter a few weeks ago. It could just be considered being friendly.
The real problem with Joe Biden is that he is a professional politician that has been living off everyone else's work.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
February 18, 2015, 04:56:57 AM
I agree with the 'can't buy knowledge' part. Internet has made the cost of most knowledge almost free or next to nothing, something that people in the pre-internet era couldn't dream of. Hopefully these large amounts of knowledge available can bring some quality changes.
and theres still so much common internet user doesnt even realize
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 17, 2015, 09:52:16 PM

Joe Biden's woman-touching habit

Vice President Joe Biden left some observers in and out of Washington aghast with his whisper-in-ear embrace of new Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter's wife Stephanie at Carter's swearing-in Tuesday. As Carter was delivering his first speech as Pentagon chief, Biden, standing in the background, put his arms on Stephanie Carter's shoulders and his face to her ear, apparently telling her something in what could reasonably be interpreted as an intimate embrace. A still image of the gesture shot around the social media world:

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 17, 2015, 03:18:28 PM
Cross-posting from the Skycoin thread...

His model is ad-hoc, has too many variables and it works but you dont need more than nine variables.

Let's not lose too much time to somewhat off-topic tangents, but I just want to interject that Armstrong's model gives daily, weekly, and monthly trading information for numerous asset classes and even political economic issues. And the model has correlated repeating cycles (of human and nature) throughout recorded history. So he is able to make very time specific predictions, such as predicted the top of the Japanese stock market to the day and predicted the closing price of oil for Dec 31 2014.

The government insurance pool will be underfunded and forced to do death panels and deny coverage for necessary medical procedures, like what is happening in the veterans affairs scandal.

I wrote similarly recently:


This downward spiral for example reached genocide in Nazi Germany, because Hilter's Universal Health Care couldn't be funded, thus Goebbels created the propaganda excuse to exterminate the Jews, handicapped, etc.. The very wealthy can escape to alternative citizenships and position their investments and capital outside of harm's way. The middle class is trapped. (Note the USA will break up once the stage of violence is reached, and will not proceed to the abyss of genocide for those who have guns and/or organization. Those who don't have guns and remain within the bankrupt socialism cancer may experience eugenics, especially assisted suicide will probably become an option in the Obamacare at some point)

Note my salient point (in my prior post) that the USA has a large productive private sector yet also a large underbelly. This implicates the USA is the most dangerous in terms of what is coming because it has to expropriate to fund that underbelly and it has the military and NSA might to do so...a wounded Godzilla is more dangerous than a healthy mouse...

Here is Armstrong's post about that scandal:

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 16, 2015, 06:44:06 PM
For lack of a place to post this self-aggrandizing post, I torture readers here.

Armstrong has written about my T.O.E. which fundamentally models fundamental matter as cycles:

Welcome to my life now. That shit is what I feel again now (in spite of grinding my teeth to do 390 pushups and run 2 kms in the hills).

I used to have perfect health and energy. I used to run 13 miles (20 kms)!

350 pushups (100 x 100 x 100 x 50) and a faster 2kms this morning at 75 degree F (80+ in the closer tropical sun and due to high humidity) with 78% humidity.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
February 15, 2015, 09:02:38 PM


The time may come soon when a thread on "Plan B Countries" should be started...  iamback has already given us a taste of which countries he would suggest.

I do not remember where I read a comment once, but it was to the effect of that the time to get OUT is when the pressure FIRST starts getting turned-up for real.  It is clear to all who observe the trend of an "Exit Tax" that it is getting higher and higher.  The comment I read pointed to when the Jews could have left Germany (at not outrageous cost) in the 1930s when all of THAT started.

One can learn from reading History.  While it does not repeat, there are always parallels.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
February 15, 2015, 07:32:18 PM
greek agreement deadline 28th this month Shocked grexit might start contagion

I do not believe there is a high chance of a grexit. An exit would be in the best interest of the Greek people but it would cause immediate and severe economic pain. The Greek people despite recent cutbacks are not living within their means. In 2014 their budget deficit was 12.2% of GDP.

Greek Government Debt to GDP is 174.90% (the second largest in the world).
In 2015 Greece also will owe at least 22.3 billion euros in interest and principal payments (probably more as this assumes low interest rates on Greek debt). With the planned reversals in austerity it is an open question whether the Greeks would achieve a budget surplus even if all its debt was completely forgiven (which will not happen).

On the question of liberalizing labor markets, the government Greek government spokesman Sakellariis recently stated:"We will discuss it with workers and with pensioners. Whatever we do, we will do through dialogue. We will not legislate at the sole behest of outside factors."

That does not sound like the stance of a government interested in building a competitive economy to but a group of people interested in spending more of other peoples money. Greece is bargaining to extract concessions from richer European taxpayers. Their government will push hard for the best deal they can get and then fold as a grexit would result in much more short term economic pain and make the pledge of the Greek government to roll back austerity impossible to achieve.

The difference between the current and former Greek governments is a lot like the divide between Democrats and Republicans in the US. The former redistribute from the productive to the nonproductive poor while the latter redistribute from the productive to the nonproductive financial elite. The end result is the same.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
February 15, 2015, 05:38:52 PM

Make an escape plan while you still can.

“As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air – however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.” ― Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas 1976.

I do not dispute that twilight is upon us.

As discussed upthread the fee to renounce US citizenship was just increased by 422%. This means it costs more then twenty times as much to renounce US citizenship as it does in other rich countries.

In the future the Ex-PATRIOT Act (“Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy” Act) or something like it will become law.

"Renouncing citizenship... is an insult to middle class Americans and we will not accept it." ― Senator Bob Casey 2012

The Ex-PATRIOT Act would presume that anyone with a net worth of $2 million or an average income tax liability of at least $148,000 over the last five years to have renounced their citizenship for tax avoidance purposes. The IRS would then prospectively impose a tax on the individual’s future investment gains, no matter where he or she resides or what new citizenship they have claimed. The rate of this capital gains tax would be 30 percent.

Even renouncing now for high net worth individuals may not get them the desired escape. For the Ex-PATRIOT would retroactively reclassify all people who lost citizenship or permanent residence in the decade prior to the law's passage as potentially having "tax avoidance intent" and subject them to the laws penalties.

The Ex-PATRIOT act is not currently law, but it was submitted to congress for consideration in 2012 and again as an amendment in 2013. Given the underlying trends in the economy a passage of this act or something worse seems inevitable. Compared to the potential threat of something like the Ex-PATRIOT act the 422% fee increase to renounce is peanuts. I fully expect 2015 to set a new record for US citizen renunciations.

We live in interesting times.  
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
February 15, 2015, 04:23:45 AM
If one bad joke can destroy your life actually advocating "wrong" viewpoints may someday bring even swifter retribution. It is quite possible that the Overton window will eventually shift to the point where even topics like economic devastation are forbidden.

Yes, and if they can't find you publishing the bad joke, they will make it up. Follow you for 4 days with a camera crew to cut and paste individual sentences, if needed. You may be flattered of such intimate interest, but the wife and business associates are typically not.
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 15, 2015, 04:00:40 AM
Thailand seems to be the least disciplined of the Asia countries, i.e. the least "Asian" in conservative values or let's say it is the "bad boy" of SE Asia, and perhaps that is why the foreigners flock to it in droves:
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
February 15, 2015, 03:00:21 AM
greek agreement deadline 28th this month Shocked grexit might start contagion
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 14, 2015, 07:02:59 PM

Make an escape plan while you still can.

Any Document Older than 180 days You Have Abandoned for Legal Purposes

Just why does government want to read everything you have ever written? They are obsessed with collecting data on everyone exactly as if this was George Orwell’s 1984. The people in charge are just insane. They have nothing better to do but act like Joseph Stalin who could not sleep at night worrying what others might be thinking. His solution – he murdered tens of millions far beyond Hitler. The Jews Hitler killed were economic based. Hitler was able to confiscate banks, business, and even collected gold teeth from dead corpses. Edward I threw all the Jews out of England and also got to keep all their assets. But Stalin killed not for money, but for fear of what people thought. He killed the smart ones who might create a counter-revolution against him. Stalin killed Kondratieff because his study of cycles said communism would fail. The Ukrainians hated the Russian because Stalin killed more than 8 million of them.

Human nature is not confined to borders. Stanley Milgram conducted his experiment with actors in the United States to see if killing the Jews was somehow just because the German people follow orders. He discovered that human nature is strange. He conducted his experiment in different cultures and concluded that humanity will simply obey authority to the point they will torture another if so directed. This is what governments depend on to maintain order. The unruly are the fearless who refuse to conform. With time, as governments always end up abusing the ruled, the unruly rise up in an organized manner. When they become the majority, revolution is born.

Today we have Stalinistic type people in the US government who are also obsessed with what the ruled think and do on top of do they have any spare change they can rob. Now, if you’ve been remiss in cleaning out your email in-box, they created the 180-Day Rule. The federal government can read any emails that are more than six months old without a court warrant. Human nature never chances. The rulers are also desperate to maintain power and fear the great unwashed that they rule because they know their abuse has limitations.

Buried inside the ambiguous language of the communications law passed in 1986, they simply self-determined that the Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure will arbitrarily apply only to electronic communications sent or received fewer than 180 days ago. This is the whole problem with the US legal system.

Ever since Teddy Roosevelt, everything legally has changed. Teddy was the first President to stand the Constitution on its head.  Teddy’s interpretation was that he could do ANYTHING that was not expressly forbidden by the Constitution. Hence, instead of the Constitution being a NEGATIVE restraint upon government, those in government got to do whatever they desired and it became our BURDEN to prove in a court of law that we even have any rights. Franklin D. Roosevelt created the New Deal based upon Marxism using this same family view – there should be no restraint upon government. Their view, society progressed beyond the 18th century views, which were outdated and primitive.

This was a MAJOR distinction for Congress can pass any law saying you must kill your first born or donate all female children to the government to give mass births to create armies. You actually have no STANDING to even argue in a court that this law is Unconstitutional. ONLY when the government orders you personally to kill your first born or come to take your daughter do you have even a right to go to court to argue. In other words, Congress can pass any law it imagines and UNLESS they try to apply it you someone personally, there will be no right to go to court and try to argue before a judge they appoint.

The entire American Revolution began with this very abuse imposed by the English King George III because he too needed money. In order to ascertain the nature of the proceedings intended by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution under the terms “unreasonable searches and seizures,” it is only necessary to recall the contemporary or then recent history of the controversies on the subject, both in this country and in England. The practice had obtained in the colonies of issuing writs of assistance to the revenue officers also searching for money or any derogatory remarks made against the government was the key. These writs of assistance empowered the the king’s agents, like today, to do whatever was necessary, in their sole discretion, to search suspected places for smuggled goods and money owed to the Crown. The famous defense lawyer argued against these writs where James Otis pronounced that they were “the worst instrument of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English liberty, and the fundamental principles of law, that ever was found in an English law book;” since they placed “the liberty of every man in the hands of every petty officer.”

Edward Snowden has come out and stated that people in the NSA wrote programs to collect nude photos of girls who they were sending to their boyfriends to show around the office. Nothing has changed. Officials back then abused their powers as they do right now. Those who claim they are protecting America and they have nothing to hide, well they are fools or liars. Human nature will never change and any agent of the government will always look upon those in the private sector as people have more than they do and this breeds contempt and corruption.

This is the fate of the United States and it is part of the natural cycle of Decline & Fall of Empires. The old saying the king is dead, long live the king is indicative of the problem. When the slave becomes king, he oppresses others no different for it is now his time to rule and to do to others what he hated himself. It is not Snowden who is the traitor, it is everyone who who justifies the surrender of all rights under the pretense of protecting our liberty. History repeats with incredible timing for it takes a specific amount of time to produce the same result.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
February 14, 2015, 03:10:02 AM
I don't read the New York Times much anymore but this article is worth passing along as a cautionary story.®ion=c-column-middle-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-middle-span-region

As she made the long journey from New York to South Africa, to visit family during the holidays in 2013, Justine Sacco, 30 years old and the senior director of corporate communications at IAC, began tweeting acerbic little jokes. No one replied, which didn’t surprise her. She had only 170 Twitter followers.

Sacco boarded the plane. It was an 11-hour flight, so she slept. When the plane landed in Cape Town and was taxiing on the runway, she turned on her phone. Right away, she got a text from someone she hadn’t spoken to since high school: “I’m so sorry to see what’s happening.” Sacco looked at it, baffled.

Then another text: “You need to call me immediately.” It was from her best friend, Hannah. Then her phone exploded with more texts and alerts. And then it rang. It was Hannah. “You’re the No. 1 worldwide trend on Twitter right now,” she said.

Sacco’s Twitter feed had become a horror show.

If one bad joke can destroy your life actually advocating "wrong" viewpoints may someday bring even swifter retribution. It is quite possible that the Overton window will eventually shift to the point where even topics like economic devastation are forbidden.
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