
Topic: Economic Totalitarianism - page 64. (Read 345776 times)

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Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 28, 2015, 04:27:26 AM
In attempting to combat corporate (Monsanto, etc) Food Totalitarianism and in general for chronic disease, some people take this too far and start declaring that everything can benefit from a ketogenic diet. I just can't find enough evidence that Multiple Sclerosis benefits from ketogenic diet. Whereas I have found 3 claimed cases of M.S. that were cured with fecal transplants (to correct gut dysbiosis).

  • The summary of research has nothing to say that supports ketogenic diets for M.S..
  • Terry Wahls' clinical research has found no extra benefit for the ketogenic version of her Paleo diet:

    Terry herself is conducting clinical trials into the effectiveness of the Wahls Paleo Plus diet on MS. Early results have surprised her: people benefit just as much from Wahls Paleo (the non-ketogenic version) as they do Wahls Paleo Plus (the ketogenic version of her diet).
  • Ketogenic diets can have bad side-effects, including depriving the body of nutrition with side-effects such as losing your tooth enamel and muscle mass, and even the claim it can make candida in the gut dysbiosis worse:

    Dr. Paul Jaminet is a scientist and author of The Perfect Health Diet. A negative experience with a ketogenic diet let him to be a safe starch advocate in the paleo community.

    The ketogenic diet entered clinical use around 1920 for epilepsy, where it was found to stop seizures. They didn’t consider factors beyond that and paid no attention to nutrition. For that reason, there are lots of recorded side effects that are a direct result of malnutrition: stunted growth in children, kidney stones, muscle wasting, weak bones, etc.

    Ketosis Makes Candida Go Systemic

    Somebody forwarded to me a German text by a German doctor who claimed that long-term low carb diets will make candida worse because candida can feed more readily on ketones than on glucose. I was incredulous. Not having a very high opinion of German doctors I wanted to see whether I could find corroborating information in the English-speaking world. I ran a google search and an article by Mark Sisson from popped up. It read:

    “Avoid very low carb.

    Paul Jaminet, who suffered from candida overgrowth, argues that since candida (being eukaryotes) have mitochondria that can feed on both ketones and carbs (as opposed to prokaryote bacteria without mitochondria), going very low carb or ketogenic will only provide more fuel for the overgrowth. Furthermore, since ketones are water-soluble and pass easily through cellular membranes, ketones will actually be a more accessible food source for candida. Don’t go high-carb, since any extra glucose will just be food for the yeast, but don’t go ketogenic, either. Stick to around 100-150 grams of carbs while still limiting sugar. Although other sources do recommend going as low-carb as possible, my money’s on Paul.”
  • Worse yet the ketogenic diet could destroy the mucus lining of the gut causing the leaky gut to worsen!:

    He believes a ketogenic diet is more likely to cause autoimmune disease than cure it, due to the depletion of the mucus layer of the intestine, which puts bacteria directly into contact with immune cells. (Carbohydrates are necessary to maintain this protective mucus layer.) For example, there’s a theory that connects a bacterial infection with a low carb-diet and high mammalian meat consumption, leading to Hashimoto’s.
  • Even a theory of M.S. as a metabolic disorder of the LDL lipid cycle, admits a possible connection to gut dysbiosis:

    Dear Corky, thank you so much for your encouragements. I do hope this article will make the research community think outside the box, or at least outside its comfort zone for a little while. I will be delighted to send you the article. My email address is aspcorthals (at) gmail (dot) com. If you send me an email, I'll reply to it with the article. And your question is not at all foolish. There are lipid panel tests, but usually levels of oxLDLs (oxidized LDL) are not tested. So you must specifically ask for it. The absorption of nutrient is another big topic. Top research is being done right now on gut bacteria and their role in the absorption of nutrient (specifically lipids) and MS. Specific profile of gut flora seem to increase the likelihood of autoimmune disease, because essential nutrients cannot be absorbed properly and put to use in the metabolic cycles. Please do email me, and I'll send you the article.
  • And if M.S. is not gut dysbiosis then why is it being cured with antibiotics! I even noticed my M.S. symptoms go away when I am on antibiotics, but I have not dared that 8 week doxycycline that Dr. Paul is advocating because I am concerned that it might worsen my gut dysbiosis by killing off good bacteria also. But heck that is another thing to try if all else fails.
  • Again this afternoon I started to get the pain at my abdomen and the head with the usual signal that chronic fatigue and brain fog was imminent, but again after drinking Kombucha tea the severity of this symptom was alleviated within 10 - 20 minutes. Note I still feel a slight tingle of pain at the abdomen and back of my head is still sore to the touch, but I don't feel the imminent collapse into CFS, fog, and bed ridden pain.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 27, 2015, 11:12:19 PM
The point of this post is to explore the importance of living probiotic supplementation for chronic illness of the gut.

I've been waiting to make this post to allow time to pass for more confirmation of effects. Insufficient time has passed to make confident claims. Nevertheless, I want to post this story while the original impetus is still visceral in my mind.

Those who've been tracking my health saga may remember that I did a 10 day water only fasting in late August and dropped from roughly 72 kg (from peak in 2014 of 85 kg) to likely well below 60 kgs. I didn't weigh myself at the end of the fasting because I was too damn weak to go out to my gym. I don't own a scale. Wednesday was my first back in the gym since fasting. I had gained weight back to 65 kg and by Saturday 67 kg.

Before the fasting (perhaps it was early August), because I felt my vision was starting to decline faster, I had tested at an optometrist at the mall requiring a +1 corrective lens to attain 20/20. And my uncorrected vision was in the range of 20/40. It had gone from uncorrected 20/20 in 2010 to needing a +0.75 lens in 2013.

On Saturday I proceed to an ophthalmologist because I needed a medical certificate in order to obtain a renewal of my driver's license. Pressure in my good eye was normal at 13, but my visual acuity had declined precipitously in less than 2 months to 20/70 and needing a +1.75 lens to attain 20/25. I could no longer attain 20/20 with any lens.

I was stoically dejected as I proceeded from the doctor for 1 kilometer sidewalk stroll to the mall where I could buy a can of tuna before I would head to the gym. I realized I was losing the battle against Multiple Sclerosis and I was going blind. In less than 2 months my vision had declined from 20/40 to 20/70. I could be nearly blind in a few more months.

Also on Sat while waiting 2 hours for the ophthalmologist, I was having the usual effect of pain in my mid-abdomen about where my small intestine is located (also where the traverse colon of the large intestine comes across), the yellow discoloration of the skin in that area, and that pain at the back of the head which is the sign of chronic fatigue and debilitation oncoming. When I feel that it is so depressing because I know I'll soon be a zombie. The feeling is horrible and can't really be appreciated how horrible it is until you experience it. I guess imagine like you have a knife in your stomach, and another in the back of your head, and someone drained all your energy and you want to collapse.

I became so much more depressed than usual because I accepted a reality that after all the superman, Herculean effort I had given to try to cure this (e.g. not eating for 10 days, and doing 4 kms daily running in total exhaustion and pain, i.e. beyond the point of collapse ... essentially pulling energy from the bowels of nothingness to the point of blackout literally)... that all of it was for naught.

It was dawning of me that my life was a failure. As I was walking, I just felt like this was the end. There was no more hope. Nothing more that could be done. There was still the potential fecal transplant, but I was weary. My running had declined to 8+ min mile pace. The fasting had eaten away my muscles and I couldn't even bench press my body weight. A broken man, and a broken life. Not muchNothing to hope for. Nearly bankrupt, unable to work, unable to be cured. Would need to start preparing for how to live out the decline in body function with minimal expenses, so thoughts of living in a bamboo house (with all the mosquitos for tumultuous nights of insomnia) without electricity, etc..

The metrics were telling me the truth that I was denying. Multiple Sclerosis was progressing. Although I had less welts on the skin since the fasting and more careful diet, I was declining precipitously on the metrics that matter and don't lie to self (vision, athletics, amount of productive hours worked per day).

In the grocery store (at a mall I don't normally shop in because it is downtown and far from my rental house), I first grabbed an unripe banana. Then I saw brown eggs and a sign that said, "free range, 100% antibiotic free guaranteed", so I grabbed an egg. And then I saw these tiny salted, uncooked dried fresh fish in a cellophane bag, so I grabbed that. I was looking for some kind of fermented food with good bacteria. I think perhaps the salted dried fish do have beneficial bacteria, but difficult to find documentation of that. Then I saw goat feta cheese, so I grabbed that. I was also reading the various labels on the yogurts and the Yakult probiotic drink. For many years I had avoided the Yakult because it looked like a local product to me and I had tried it once and it was so laden with sugar. But being in this desperate state-of-mind, I didn't care. And I read the labels more carefully. I noted the L-casei culture in the Yakult was from Japan and it was a Japanese licensed product. I read each tiny bottle had 8 billion bacteria and the Yogurts had only 1.25 billion per cup plus the Yogurt had beef gelatin in it. Clearly the Yakult was more designed to be a probiotic. Also it was glucose sugar, not fructose. So I grabbed 5 of the 80ml bottles. I got my local can of tuna chunks in water. Checked out and proceeded to the parking lot on a hot tropical day.

There I sat on the curb in the parking lot. Dejected. Feeling no more hope. Not even wanting to think about my life, ramifications, etc.. Just really down mood. Feeling like a broken man.

I ate the raw egg yoke. Very orange color because from a native chicken. I ate everything I bought except only a portion of the goat cheese.

I walked over to the gym about another 1 km away.

I didn't expect much from the workout. Just was going to do a little bit or what ever I could. At first didn't feel really good, but as I was working out I felt some vigor and power. And ended powering through a descent workout with some good power on the arm curls.

Then I noticed my stomach wasn't hurting and the head wasn't aching and I didn't feel as if the chronic fatigue and debilitation was oncoming.

Also I noticed on Saturday evening that finally my Komucha tea was brewed correctly with a nice colored baby SCOBY on top and the very tart taste which indicates it made it all the way to being a probiotic.

So Saturday, Sunday, and so far today on Monday, every time I feel that pain coming on in my gut (with the concomitant M.S. effects in the back of the head), I drink large quantities of either the Yakult or the Kombucha tea, along with eating fresh tuna (not from can) either fried or raw in kinilaw style, also white rice and sweet potato. Also I finished the goat feta cheese on Sunday.

So far what I noticed is that every time the pain and deleterious effects on my head are muted upon doing that. Also I noticed my vision improved, as well my overall feeling. My energy has been good, while also I've slept so much the past 2 days. Not the sleeping due to chronic fatigue where you don't really sleep but toss and turn and wake up exhausted, but the sleeping like a baby sort of sleeping.

Also over the past 2.5 days, my urination has been much less and less violent urges to pee, i.e. normal. And over the past weeks since the fasting my defecation had become very infrequent even though eating, perhaps only twice a week. The past two mornings I have defecated 3x each (total of 7x in past 2.5 days).

My sense is that my body is in repair mode but it is too early to know if this is true or yet another false hope and hope driven confirmation bias.

Any way, if after some days or weeks this is confirmed to be a cure for my condition, this would point to probiotics and correction of the gut microflora as the cure that was eluding me and makes me just shake my head in disillusionment at all the other homeopathetic treatments I've tried:

  • collodial silver
  • ultra high dose vitamin D3
  • massive doses of AHCC
  • EGCG (from green tea)
  • high dose coenzymated B complex (B Healthy brand)
  • fasting
  • ketogenic diet
  • all vegetable diet
  • guyabano diet

I'd like to also take Kefir because it appears to be a more complete living probiotic:

Why couldn't my doctor who handled my hospitalization for acute peptic ulcer and the massive doses of antibiotics over 14 days and then the followups where I was so fatigued and unhealthy, why couldn't he have advised me to drink Yakult? A very simple thing he could have done in May 2012 that may have prevented me from losing 3 years of my life to needless suffering and teeth gritting, hardcore struggle.

About your M.S., I will have a reply in the Economic Totalitarianism thread... in one word why the hell are you (we) not drinking Yakult! (well it was here all time in front of my face in every grocery store here and I ignored it for 3 years because it looked like a local product to me and was so sweet and I thought it was nonsense). Something significant happened to me yesterday. I will explain...

Lactobacillus casei is a species of genus Lactobacillus found in the human intestine and mouth. This particular species of Lactobacillus is documented to have a wide pH and temperature range, and complements the growth of L. acidophilus, a producer of the enzyme amylase (a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme).

Is Yakult a yogurt drink?

No. Yakult is a fermented dairy drink that contains probiotic cultures rather than yogurt cultures. The main difference between yogurt and probiotic cultures is that probiotics must have scientifically proven health benefits while yogurts do not. Another point of distinction is the type of cultures; probiotics are typically various species and strains of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria, while yogurt starter cultures are specifically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, according to the National Yogurt Association.

In the USA, at best you pay $3 for the Yakult we pay 90 cents for in the Philippines. I am in Yakult paradise.

The Yakult factory in the Philippines is run to international standards:

If this is the same as Kefir then I have cultivated mine in the past. Dropped it because I was not 100% sure it was paleo compliant and don't have much time for new research atm.

In the future I plan to do 2 experiments, one with eggs and the other with kefir again to see if I have any strange reactions.

But now I can't focus on experimenting with my protocols because I try to build my AI engine in R for trading. I hate programming...

See my links above which apparently indicate the milk Kefir is more probiotically diverse than Kombucha, but Kombucha has some acids that are not present in Kefir.

Paleo compliant seems like a nonsense concept. I don't think there was ever a stage where mankind was only eating one set of foods universally.

Rather my current thinking is that we have autoimmune disease and likely caused by gut dysbiosys. Strengthening our gut microflora should be priority number #1. We will continue to have inflammation that correlates with foods for as long as our gut microflora is not healthy.

I'd prefer free range, native chicken eggs with no antibiotics nor grains supplemented. But I think that is a less of a priority than intaking living probiotics and not eating bacon laden with sodium nitrate and from grain fed, antibiotic laden, high omega-6 fat pigs. I would prioritize whole foods and wild foods over non-foods and factory foods, such as coffee.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 27, 2015, 05:15:32 PM
Kudos to Bryant Coleman for a potential Hall of Fame post:

The most valuable single banknotes in the world are the S$10,000 note from Singapore (worth around $8,000) and the B$10,000 note from Brunei. Counterfeiting is very very rare in these countries, as the punishments for doing it are extremely harsh. And the S$10,000 note is very frequently used by the Singaporeans, in day to day life.

P.S. rpietila thanks for explaining that about the web of power in corporatism. I didn't have the patience nor energy to explain it to that level of detail.
Activity: 2996
Merit: 1903
September 27, 2015, 03:41:24 PM


Very interesting comments, I will need to think about the power dynamics you describe so well.  Thank you.  The examples of your own companies was most instructive to me.

The whole idea of murky ownership of course is not new, but I had not factored that into my thinking on this topic.  I must be used to too much transparency.  And transparency is becoming less fashionable now.

Our company is very transparent, so some Normalcy Bias must have slipped into my thinking.
full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
September 27, 2015, 01:17:57 PM
The UK government has been squawking about allowing it backdoors to all encrypted communications. Despite how ridiculous this is. The article is a must read for any UK resident. This overreach will only push more users to encryption.

And the final paragraph is illuminating:

“Pertinent metadata events will be locked within the encrypted channels and difficult, if not impossible, to prise out,” the report says, adding that the agencies were working on a plan that would “(hopefully) allow our Internet Exploitation strategy to prevail.

Referring to quantum computers?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
September 27, 2015, 01:08:55 PM
I heard that even "ownership" is something you don't care when you have the power. A study can be found in the web that ownership of the corporate world is a large network which does not lead to any people.

A very simple example is that I have 2 companies that 100% own each other. Since I founded them, I have selected the management and in the beginning been the management. When I step down from one, the owner (the other company) can appoint the CEO. When enough time passes, it is forgotten who actually owns the companies, they seem to own each other.

The above is illegal in most places. But having 3 companies typically is not. The reality with hundreds of core companies (financials) and myriads of others is very complicated, and it took the computer era before the structure was possible to be mapped.

Nobody "owns" it.

When you have enough power, you have control. When a new board, or a new management is selected, or important decision taken, the collective makes sure that no too radical people are let to positions where they might cause harm.

Almost nothing can cause harm, though. If company A succeeds, or company B - does not matter - they are both in the system. (And the system controlled by people who control the money supply). What kind of products are made, does not matter. Even what policies are taken, seldom matters. What matters is:
- You are not allowed to reject the system's authority, nor disclose its operations.

Punishment includes death. It can be classified to a 2x2 matrix: (ex-members; outsiders) x (rejection; disclosure).
ex-member, disclosure: JFK
outsider, disclosure: David Crowley
ex-member, rejection: Saddam
outsider, rejection: Qaddafi

For the record, I have utterly renounced the system (never been part of it, so "outsider"), because I am a Christian and nobody can serve two masters. I also disclose whatever I happen to hear, so if I start writing movies that might gain millions of audience or become a leader of an independent country, they might have to add me to the Hall of Martyrs.

But as for the facts: check them out. Corporations are cross-owned through a very complex and evolving structure. As long as you can follow the ownership of some company, and if it ends in known humans, it is usually true that those guys own and control it. But if the path does not end (funds, foundations, holding companies, banks &c, hidden registries), chances are that the company is part of the pool owned by nobody, paying no taxes, controlled by TPTB, and used as a tool to keep all the sheep where they belong.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
September 27, 2015, 01:05:44 PM
The UK government has been squawking about allowing it backdoors to all encrypted communications. Despite how ridiculous this is. The article is a must read for any UK resident. This overreach will only push more users to encryption.
full member
Activity: 208
Merit: 103
September 27, 2015, 12:44:00 PM
Some of you will no doubt be aware of all of this already, others less so. GCHQ seem to have been giving the NSA a run for their money.

"There was a simple aim at the heart of the top-secret program: Record the website browsing habits of “every visible user on the Internet...."

"...The mass surveillance operation — code-named KARMA POLICE — was launched by British spies about seven years ago without any public debate or scrutiny. It was just one part of a giant global Internet spying apparatus built by the United Kingdom’s electronic eavesdropping agency, Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ...."

"...As of 2012, GCHQ was storing about 50 billion metadata records about online communications and Web browsing activity every day, with plans in place to boost capacity to 100 billion daily by the end of that year. The agency, under cover of secrecy, was working to create what it said would soon be the biggest government surveillance system anywhere in the world..."

"...The agency operates a bewildering array of other eavesdropping systems, each serving its own specific purpose and designated a unique code name, such as: SOCIAL ANTHROPOID, which is used to analyze metadata on emails, instant messenger chats, social media connections and conversations, plus “telephony” metadata about phone calls, cell phone locations, text and multimedia messages; MEMORY HOLE, which logs queries entered into search engines and associates each search with an IP address; MARBLED GECKO, which sifts through details about searches people have entered into Google Maps and Google Earth; and INFINITE MONKEYS, which analyzes data about the usage of online bulletin boards and forums..."

Includes a map from a classified GCHQ presentation about intercepting communications from undersea cables.

Whoops, looks like that got me flagged too!
Activity: 2996
Merit: 1903
September 27, 2015, 12:04:02 PM
OROBTC my man. Look into who are the major owners of Monsanto stock are (Goldman et al own and/or were venture funders of a chunk of all, e.g. Facebook, Google, etc). There is a web of mutual ownership between these fascists (untangling the web may not be easy but rest assured the large corporations are in essence owned by a few families in terms of class A stock and board control, etc. The greater fools come in on the stock market which is often class B stock or only a small percent of the float and overpay for nothing and then loose their shirts over and over).

Hey don't dig too much as Gary Webb and Michael Ruppert did.

Hear you there TPTB (my bolded of your remarks).  I don't dig much.  Just enough to develop an adequate understanding ("adequate" as defined by me).

AFAIK, most US companies listed do not have "Class A" and "Class B" type of shareholdings (some do, I forget examples).  Lots, of course, in Europe do, including SKF (Sweden, the world's largest bearing mfr, they are mostly owned by the Swedish Wallenbergs, last I heard anyway).  Of course I do not doubt that players like Goldman play a malignant role, but I do not think that the control is so very tight, so very hard...  More like "strongly influence" different company's actions.

In the case of Monsanto, I do not know.  It would take more investigation than I feel like doing to unearth the share ownership.

More studies (and more comprehensive) along the lines of Glattfelder et al would be of great interest.  And as your earlier Forbes link suggested, a study not merely of interconnectedness but of ownership would be of great interest.

*   *   *

Above comments on influence of Goldman Sachs

Yes, it is almost amazing how many of their alumni are scattered about at very high levels in Western countries.  Australia and Europe very much included.  It is beyond question that G-S is indeed very powerful.  Very.

And, I am happy (or would that be: "satisfied that G-S has been brought) into "Economic Totalitarianism".  More digging (but perhaps not too much) would certainly be of interest...
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
September 27, 2015, 03:20:51 AM
OROBTC, just take as one prime example how Goldman Sachs has been to a great extent running Europe. They installed all their key people in positions of power and even did the financial wizardry to hide Greece's deficits for years. Even the head of the Central Bank of India is a former IMF/Goldman.

Next example look at Monsanto and Codex Alimentarius.

Doesn't take too many examples to get a clear picture of the large corporations in control of the world.

Mark Carney- head of the Bank of England, former Goldman Sachs.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 27, 2015, 03:01:18 AM
How quickly the people become complacent before they really want to the big red, white, and blue dick up their ass one day in the future (yeah I know they are just too busy studying their navel to think about what it will feel like to be slaves in the near future ... cows are so oblivious to anything but grass ... mooo):
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 26, 2015, 11:44:33 PM
OROBTC my man. Look into who are the major owners of Monsanto stock are (Goldman et al own and/or were venture funders of a chunk of all, e.g. Facebook, Google, etc). There is a web of mutual ownership between these fascists (untangling the web may not be easy but rest assured the large corporations are in essence owned by a few families in terms of class A stock and board control, etc. The greater fools come in on the stock market which is often class B stock or only a small percent of the float and overpay for nothing and then loose their shirts over and over).

Hey don't dig too much as Gary Webb and Michael Ruppert did.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
September 26, 2015, 11:31:38 PM
The new prime minister of Australia is a former chairman of goldman sachs.
Activity: 2996
Merit: 1903
September 26, 2015, 11:20:26 PM
OROBTC, just take as one prime example how Goldman Sachs has been to a great extent running Europe. They installed all their key people in positions of power and even did the financial wizardry to hide Greece's deficits for years. Even the head of the Central Bank of India is a former IMF/Goldman.

Next example look at Monsanto and Codex Alimentarius.

Doesn't take too many examples to get a clear picture of the large corporations in control of the world.

Goldman Sachs is No. 18 on the list.  A quick review of the Top 50 did not show Monsanto.  BARCLAYS is No. 1...

But, yes, G-S is extremely powerful, but not because of the Swiss notion of interconnectedness.

Monsanto is also very powerful.  They produce...  Their products may be bad, they may have a bad agenda, but that is why I would like to see more than the Top 50.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 26, 2015, 11:10:17 PM
OROBTC, just take as one prime example how Goldman Sachs has been to a great extent running Europe. They installed all their key people in positions of power and even did the financial wizardry to hide Greece's deficits for years. Even the head of the Central Bank of India is a former IMF/Goldman.

Next example look at Monsanto and Codex Alimentarius.

Doesn't take too many examples to get a clear picture of the large corporations in control of the world.

Activity: 2996
Merit: 1903
September 26, 2015, 11:03:21 PM


I have seen that article and list of the 50 largest companies controlling everything.  For years actually, I have been sent links to Dr. Glattfelder's work and once even tried to thoroughly read it (it's a long paper, and quite technical).

Take a good look at your second link, Forbes says that these are asset managers and custodians in some cases, not owners.  Yes, these companies (esp. the financial) are linked to many others, including manufacturers.

Yet, there are two problems I have:

1) In ALL the pieces I have seen (inc. the two links you sent), I have only seen the top 50, not the top 147 nor the 1318 studied...  A quote from the New Scientist link:

"...Driffill feels 147 is too many to sustain collusion."

2) The below link was at the bottom of your Forbes link, which suggests that asset OWNERS would be more key to CONTROL:

*   *   *

I do recognize the power of the Top 50, but I see no evidence of an overwhelming control of the West nor the world.

Note that I do not deny the possibility of hidden collusion.  But, I doubt that BARCLAYS is the most powerful corporation in the world, most interconnected (by Glattfelder et al), sure.

I would like to see all 1318 (or even the 147) to see if any of the bearing manufacturers are on it (perhaps SKF of Sweden, the rest are likely too small).  

Despite several search attempts over the years, I have not been able to find more than the Top 50.  If you could find such a link where I could not, I would be much obliged, as I could read it and think about it in a more informed way.

sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
September 26, 2015, 10:11:50 PM
Russia is doing as it was told to do. TPTB understand the greatest threat from crypto (which they created) would be if it formed a true side economy. And the greatest risk of that they see is Silk Road and other illicit markets. Russians are big traders in illicit markets and thus BTC won't be legal in Russia until BTC has reached the point where all block chain transactions are regulated.

TPTB created BTC because they wanted to drive leverage against existing financial systems towards a public register of all transactions and to prevent resistance to the wave of digital currency, which they want because of it is part of the way to track everything in the Technocracy of the new world order wherein everyone is a slave to the corporations that own the world:
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
September 26, 2015, 06:06:49 PM
*puts on his tinfoil hat*

Since the decision making of this law is being deferred to the central bank it may not pass, pretend they are pro freedom/innovation and they will instead exploit the flaws in bitcoin, claw it back later attacking it's centralized nature.

Russia seems stuck in the old world in some areas and fully onboard with the NWO in others, let's see which way it goes.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1002
Strange, yet attractive.
September 26, 2015, 05:06:58 PM
It's also very possible that the Russian government is just back at its old ways -- banning freedoms which they might not understand.  On the other hand, perhaps they have found an "NSA trapdoor" or such in Bitcoin, although that strikes me as unlikely.  Very unlikely.

To me, Russia is again heading towards becoming totalitarian (Putin was KGB and still acts that way), no way I would put a kopeck into Russia.  Unless it is a listed stock that you could trade & unload in a minute.

Oh, it's a very possible prospect that they will be left behind the BTC train because they don't understand it, but alas, I don't rule out that the rest of the Russians don't know what's at stake here. Some of the most prominent companies around the world are in Russian hands. They surely are not dumbs! I also happen to understand that it's nothing but pure coincidence that prior the 1st October where according to Martin Armstrong all hell will break loose there was a UN summit where the Pope was present, while at the same time Putin was opening a new Mosque against all of his beliefs and public intolerance!

Yes, there is a possibility all these are nothing but what they seem they are... What are the odds?  Roll Eyes
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