I’m starting to think that they have thought out a plan to reduce prize money, but I also don’t understand why they need this
Why would you think so? iirc if they released a battlepass, Valve kept 75% of the total purchase and 25% goes to prizepool hence if they actually put in some effort to release a decent battlepass or any other sort of new stuff for the community then they would have gotten significant amount of profit as well. We might never ever reach the ATH TI prizepool anymore but it could be atleast $10-15M
The prize money couldn't increase every time at the TI, there is always a limit to growth. We probably achieved it at the previous TI. It is also possible that
Valve wanted to conduct an experiment and see how much the funds collected would change in relation to the efforts expended and they simply didn't expect that it would decrease so much. They probably thought that society would just buy the compendium even if there was nothing special to be done there to feel the spirit of TI or something like that. I don’t know what’s going on in their heads, but I never bought the compendium, although before that I bought it every year and felt the unwarlike spirit of the eSports holiday.
Totally a boring TI isnt it?
As a Dota player then TI is the most awaited time or moment or event to happen. Im really that eyeing or waiting for those immortal or arcana sets which i could purchase on
which same goes with those weather effects and some icons which it would bring out that different experience and same as yours on which music packs does really matter
but now on that compedium we are really just getting those stickers with ambient effects. The only thing which is interesting is that Aegis plaque that you could get physically
on which hitting up level 300 on compedium.
Yes, it is things like music and weather effects that greatly add that feeling of celebration and anticipation of an incredible event. Now this is simply not the case. With their big money, these little things could have been done easily, but they didn’t. We'll have to make do without this. In any case, I will watch the streams on TI12.