Except that I showed the proof of it, that cause and effect is universal in everything. I'll say it again.'' Where have you shown this?
''Everything has motion. Even if absolute zero were found somewhere, everything has motion in its subatomic particles or wave (electromagnetic) movement. Can there even be a logical theory for something without motion?'' But what you have to prove is that all the motion has a cause and you can't, why are you repeating the same stuff again? You can't prove that everything has a cause, period.
Again, I don't have to prove that all motion has a cause. Newton did it in his 3rd Law. You might have to think about it to understand it, but a good, simple explanation is listed here
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.26961799. You even quoted it, above. Didn't you read it?
I'm starting to believe that you are trolling me now. Newton did not prove or said that everything has a cause, motion =/= cause. Where does it say that everything has a cause, quote it, give me the evidence or just shut the fuck up already.
As I said. Newton said "action" and "reaction." Show me some action or reaction that isn't motion of some kind. Show me something that doesn't have motion. All motion is reaction with at least one action that caused it. All motion is effect caused by at least one caused.
However, even big bang that you believe in is purportedly the cause of everything. So the whole universe is a cause and effect operation, according to what you believe.
Why do you attempt to contradict yourself like this?
No, he said, for every action, meaning that if there is an action there is a reaction. What does motion have to do with cause? I already told you quantum processes which are motions seem to have no cause, maybe they do but right now the consensus is that they don't. Do you realize you keep saying the same thing? Newton's 3rd law does not prove that everything has a cause, period.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.26997067And action is the cause of the reaction, which is the effect of the action. You are picking at straws. You are using semantics.
Motions, actions, and causes are all related. Sometimes they are similar. Sometimes they are exactly the same. But never do they fall outside of each other entirely. Look them up in the dictionaries and encyclopedias.
Notice that you said, "I already told you quantum processes which are motions seem to have no cause." You show a lot of things that are your own shows, only. The basic, standard understanding of "quantum mechanics" has to do with the uncertainty principle. That's probability. In other words it is guestimations, if not downright guesses. In other words, it is not known to be factual.
Newton's 3rd Law might not say that everything has a cause, but there is nothing that doesn't have a cause. Didn't I already tell you that as you believe in Big Bang Theory, you are actually believing that everything has, at least, the BB cause?... if not many other causes?
If there were a chance that some part of evolution theory could fall into the category of evolution reality, it would be so small as to be outside of anything that science would accept as a possibility.