
Topic: SCAM ( Don't use any of their iOS or Android APP) - page 4. (Read 24016 times)

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
hey guys,

has anyone ever got their funds back from them?
I was just informed that the process to return my 190 steem will take them a mysterious loads of time and resources. To do what exactly?
It takes a second to transfer to them and it requires tons of resources, human power and time to return the funds since they blocked it on their app without even an email? They don't like explaining to much in their responses Cheesy

I got scammed right? If so, I would like to suggest crowdfunding a reward for them. if a million people will give 1$ to funding I will create just to search for blockchain scammers, we will have resources to keep them at least on their toes. I dont have to get it back, but if the scamming scum will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life for a few hundred of my $... great!

evolutionnow, here's a timeline of notifications we made to our users about delisting Steem on April, 1st, 2018:

  • We started with posting a notification in the Steem app and in the Multi Wallet about the future delisting of the coin.
  • The first announcements were on Facebook and Twitter on March 14th as well.
  • On that very day (March 14th) we sent out an email warning about the planned delisting of Steem to ALL Steem holders with Freewallet and recommendations on moving out your coins.
  • On March 27th we made additional reminders to let our users know on Facebook and Twitter. We emailed the same reminder later that day to all Freewallet Steem users ONCE AGAIN. All that time the notification is the apps was up & running.
  • Finally, after delisting Steem, we updated the notification in the app inviting everyone who didn't transfer their Steem until then to contact our support team so that we could do it for them.

So yes, it will take time and resources to transfer your Steem because the coin was delisted. However, claiming that we didn't let our users know in advance about the delisting is not true, to say the least.

I installed a wallet (I thought it was a wallet, not a scam) to put a portion of my steem away and have it stored on a wallet, not in your magic cloud of stolen money or even on steemit. Was there some terms and conditions I forgot to read that I have to follow you on FB and check out a wallet I didn't want to use for a year? I should follow you in case you change your mind?

I just checked my spam emails... found it. OK. I take it back for now. You did send emails I did not see

Can you be surprised to be skeptical after reading so much bad info about you? All the bewares are not there because you are doing something right, right?
You might not be a thief, but I've yet to find one person who got their money back. Cool thing you keep replying, but it could be your trick to buy yourself more time to scam more people.

Would you find it suspicious that suspected of being a scam artist cannot give a timescale he needs to return the funds? Fails to explain why it requires resources at all instead of logging in to wherever you store stolen steem and transferring it back to me? 5min

Why would it be so hard to calculate?

So what if you delisted steem? I can show you that I can transfer steem to you in seconds. What is so complicated in going into wherever you store my stolen money and doing the same? Should take less effort than writing your lies.

Something smells of bullshit here.

Can you answer simple questions? Explain the procedure! YOU OWE THIS TO YOUR CUSTOMER SINCE YOU FAIL AS A GOOD SERVICE. Would I be able to withdraw my steem before 1st of April? Looks like many people couldn't.

If only you would fix this, it would be a perfect scam. Get more people on here writing how they got their money back. Well done anyway. Looks really good. Must involve a lot of people too. The more people, the easier it will be to find you.

As I said, I will join the people who are organizing against you if you will not return the money you hold hostage.

I will believe it when I see it. You promised a good service already. Once a liar, always a liar.

Activity: 6
Merit: 0
I note these articles:

If it's a scam, it's a REAL good one.

BTW some may note the team is in Estonia.  I confess to being ignorant and thinking Estonia was an eastern European country.  It isn't.  It's northern European.  They seem well ahead of the world in tech in a general sense in that they were the first nation in history to hold an election over the Internet.  I quote:

'Estonia is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that as of 2011 is among the fastest growing in the EU.[19] Its Human Development Index ranks very highly,[7] and it performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties and press freedom (3rd in the world in 2012 and 2007).[20] The 2015 PISA test places Estonian high school students 3rd in the world, behind Singapore and Japan.[21] Citizens of Estonia are provided with universal health care,[22] free education[23] and the longest paid maternity leave in the OECD.[24] Since independence the country has rapidly developed its IT sector, becoming one of the world's most digitally advanced societies.[25] In 2005 Estonia became the first nation to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first nation to provide E-residency.'

You confessed being ignorant because you didn't know estonia was in eastern-north or that you thought eastern europe was as highly developed as Merica? in some aspects much more Cheesy Are you still ignorant today? Cheesy

Has anyone got their funds back?!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Yes Freewallet not so free, they installed a new verification on their phone app, and if you accidently type in the wrong email it saves everything, and you can't take out your coins. I tried contacting their support, they will not correct it on their end. I have about 44,300 dogecoins in there not a good thing, yes and pissed off at them. I knew there was something wrong with these people. Lets get our pitch forks and go chase them.....  Grin Grin Cry Cry  these people give Cypto a bad name for sure. No wonder only 2% of the world is invested....  scavengers indeed
Activity: 554
Merit: 11
hey guys,

has anyone ever got their funds back from them?
I was just informed that the process to return my 190 steem will take them a mysterious loads of time and resources. To do what exactly?
It takes a second to transfer to them and it requires tons of resources, human power and time to return the funds since they blocked it on their app without even an email? They don't like explaining to much in their responses Cheesy

I got scammed right? If so, I would like to suggest crowdfunding a reward for them. if a million people will give 1$ to funding I will create just to search for blockchain scammers, we will have resources to keep them at least on their toes. I dont have to get it back, but if the scamming scum will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life for a few hundred of my $... great!

evolutionnow, here's a timeline of notifications we made to our users about delisting Steem on April, 1st, 2018:

  • We started with posting a notification in the Steem app and in the Multi Wallet about the future delisting of the coin.
  • The first announcements were on Facebook and Twitter on March 14th as well.
  • On that very day (March 14th) we sent out an email warning about the planned delisting of Steem to ALL Steem holders with Freewallet and recommendations on moving out your coins.
  • On March 27th we made additional reminders to let our users know on Facebook and Twitter. We emailed the same reminder later that day to all Freewallet Steem users ONCE AGAIN. All that time the notification is the apps was up & running.
  • Finally, after delisting Steem, we updated the notification in the app inviting everyone who didn't transfer their Steem until then to contact our support team so that we could do it for them.

So yes, it will take time and resources to transfer your Steem because the coin was delisted. However, claiming that we didn't let our users know in advance about the delisting is not true, to say the least.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
hey guys,

has anyone ever got their funds back from them?
I was just informed that the process to return my 190 steem will take them a mysterious loads of time and resources. To do what exactly?
It takes a second to transfer to them and it requires tons of resources, human power and time to return the funds since they blocked it on their app without even an email? They don't like explaining to much in their responses Cheesy

I got scammed right? If so, I would like to suggest crowdfunding a reward for them. if a million people will give 1$ to funding I will create just to search for blockchain scammers, we will have resources to keep them at least on their toes. I dont have to get it back, but if the scamming scum will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life for a few hundred of my $... great!

Activity: 9
Merit: 0
Another week later, and still no response Smiley

So sorry for the delay! We've got quite a load of 2FA related requests, and we're reviewing each and every one of them individually. Our support reps will by all means nptify you once there's progress on your case.

Here we are again my freewallet friend. Almost another 2 weeks have passed.

3 months in, still no help from freewallet.
You guys dont update me, you do nothing. There is no progress in my case, so they wont notify me with anything.

Can you suspend my account and send my NEO to an other wallet?
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Ladies and Gentleman!

We have completely new quality in Freewallet support services. I sent them inquiry about my ticket, and got the answer after less than 24 hours! You won't believe, but they said that my case is on their priority list! After only two months of waiting they put me on their priority list! You can't imagine how happy I am!

Unfortunately they forgot to tell me what that mean. But basing on their previous replys, when I wasn't on the priority list and they always told me that "I will get my refund soon", so now, when I'm on the priority list it will be probably "just in a moment" or "it will be faster than a blink"... What I'm sure it won't be "as soon as possible", because it was earlier, when I wasn't on the priority list, so now, when I'm on the list, it must be faster! That's for sure!
Activity: 554
Merit: 11
Another week later, and still no response Smiley

So sorry for the delay! We've got quite a load of 2FA related requests, and we're reviewing each and every one of them individually. Our support reps will by all means nptify you once there's progress on your case.
Activity: 554
Merit: 11
Freewallet пoддepживaeт вce тopгyeмыe тoкeны ERC20; вы мoжeтe пpocмoтpeть cпиcoк caмыx пoпyляpныx из ниx нижe. Ecли вaш тoкeн нe yкaзaн y нac, oднaкo oн пpиcyтcтвyeт нa биpжax, oбpaтитecь в нaшy cлyжбy пoддepжки, чтoбы дoбaвить eгo.

Oбpaтитe внимaниe, чтo мы вce eщe paбoтaeм нaд фyнкциeй, кoтopaя пoзвoлит yчacтвoвaть в нoвыx ICO. Ecли вы yчacтвoвaли в ICO, a вaш тoкeн - ERC20, cвяжитecь c нaми, ecли oн пpиcyтcтвyeт нa биpжax: мы дoбaвим eгo.

Ha вaшeм кoшeлькe xpaнятcя мoи тoкeны oт ICO, нa биpжax oни yжe тopгyютcя и oбpaщaлcя yжe нe oдин paз дa тoлькo вce eщe нe вижy иx в кoшeлькe.
Ждy oтвeтa!

That's not an accurate translation, we're afraid. Freewallet ETH addresses are ERC20 compliant, however, not all ERC20 tokens are supported in the app. We do add new tokens for support quite regularly, so if you've already submitted your request to our support team, we'll notify you once your tokens are listed and available in our Token Wallet app.
Activity: 554
Merit: 11
where is my eth blue ? give me my eth blue s back please.
What's your user id or support ticket number?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0

Im trying to get my 2FA disabled now for already 2 months. Your support is terrible so far. It takes 3-4 weeks for 1 reply and those replies say nothing..

Its getting soooo frustrating now.
Please solve my issue..send you an email again today..

RFeXite, please PM your user id or support ticket number.

Still no helo from you guys and this post was 2 weeks ago. You guys do NOTHING. Turning off 2FA doesnt take months...

Another week later, and still no response Smiley
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
Freewallet пoддepживaeт вce тopгyeмыe тoкeны ERC20; вы мoжeтe пpocмoтpeть cпиcoк caмыx пoпyляpныx из ниx нижe. Ecли вaш тoкeн нe yкaзaн y нac, oднaкo oн пpиcyтcтвyeт нa биpжax, oбpaтитecь в нaшy cлyжбy пoддepжки, чтoбы дoбaвить eгo.

Oбpaтитe внимaниe, чтo мы вce eщe paбoтaeм нaд фyнкциeй, кoтopaя пoзвoлит yчacтвoвaть в нoвыx ICO. Ecли вы yчacтвoвaли в ICO, a вaш тoкeн - ERC20, cвяжитecь c нaми, ecли oн пpиcyтcтвyeт нa биpжax: мы дoбaвим eгo.

Ha вaшeм кoшeлькe xpaнятcя мoи тoкeны oт ICO, нa биpжax oни yжe тopгyютcя и oбpaщaлcя yжe нe oдин paз дa тoлькo вce eщe нe вижy иx в кoшeлькe.
Ждy oтвeтa!
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
We have finally released Ignis! All Freewallet NXT holders have received 0.5 free Ignis for each NXT they had on December 28th. You can view your Ignis balance in the Multi Wallet or download the Ignis wallet on Google Play. To see how many Ignis you have, go to "Receive" and generate your new Ignis wallet address. After that, check your balance.

This is, however, an early release and some operations are currently unavailable with Ignis. For example, you can't make outgoing transactions at this time. This is a temporary situation, and we're in direct contact with Ignis developers to get it resolved by the end of March.

We're very sorry for keeping you waiting! Our mission is to make managing Ignis simple, convenient and efficient for our users. It has taken more time than we anticipated, but we will make good on our promises. Thank you so much for your understanding and support!

where is my eth blue ? give me my eth blue s back please.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0

Im trying to get my 2FA disabled now for already 2 months. Your support is terrible so far. It takes 3-4 weeks for 1 reply and those replies say nothing..

Its getting soooo frustrating now.
Please solve my issue..send you an email again today..

RFeXite, please PM your user id or support ticket number.

Still no helo from you guys and this post was 2 weeks ago. You guys do NOTHING. Turning off 2FA doesnt take months...
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
we will first make it to Mars ...

in the meantime, ignis will be worth less than a peanut

thanks Freewallet!! we hope you have the right reward for what you have done
Activity: 554
Merit: 11
We have finally released Ignis! All Freewallet NXT holders have received 0.5 free Ignis for each NXT they had on December 28th. You can view your Ignis balance in the Multi Wallet or download the Ignis wallet on Google Play. To see how many Ignis you have, go to "Receive" and generate your new Ignis wallet address. After that, check your balance.

This is, however, an early release and some operations are currently unavailable with Ignis. For example, you can't make outgoing transactions at this time. This is a temporary situation, and we're in direct contact with Ignis developers to get it resolved by the end of March.

We're very sorry for keeping you waiting! Our mission is to make managing Ignis simple, convenient and efficient for our users. It has taken more time than we anticipated, but we will make good on our promises. Thank you so much for your understanding and support!
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1113
There's no need to be upset
Playing games and acting stupid

"LRaoQkrhcb3iHSs4KvHceARomKS7RTqCEt is the address FROM which the payment was made.
which of the two receiving addresses is yours?


Dec 16

 Congratulations! You have successfully sent 0.5800 LTC (worth $238.44 CAD) to LRaoQkrhcb3iHSs4KvHceARomKS7RTqCEt using Coinbase. To facilitate this transaction, you paid 0.000226 LTC (worth $0.09 CAD) in network fees

Dec 7

Congratulations! You have successfully sent 1.15408517 LTC (worth $143.56 CAD) to LRaoQkrhcb3iHSs4KvHceARomKS7RTqCEt using Coinbase. To facilitate this transaction, you paid 0.000226 LTC (worth $0.03 CAD) in network fees.

Dec 18 --- Failed within steem

Congratulations! You have successfully sent 3.01815803 LTC (worth $1,250.70 CAD) to LRaoQkrhcb3iHSs4KvHceARomKS7RTqCEt using Coinbase. To facilitate this transaction, you paid 0.00255722 LTC (worth $1.06 CAD) in network fees.

​I sent it to ​LRaoQkrhcb3iHSs4KvHceARomKS7RTqCEt the litecoin wallet address copied from the clipboard that i sent it to on at least two other occasions and it was credited to my steem account in freewallet. I am starting to think you are playing dumb on purpose. Look at the screen shots posted in this chat from day one

can you give me more info on how you find the

someone scammed me on discord with this wallet and sent some of the funds to the address you posted

edit: seems like its an exchange add, right?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
Every time when I want to send IGNIS I get an error, this is totally a joke.

Same for me.

They are thieves
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
Bahahaha! steem wallet under maintenance again now..

I managed to transfer all of my steem from there to my steemit account between maintenance outages.
full member
Activity: 459
Merit: 102

Steem wallet finally up again  Cheesy

lol, go and read scam reports here -

and you still want to use there wallet ?
they are big scammers, becarefull

You can't even move the funds from this wallets
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