has anyone ever got their funds back from them?
I was just informed that the process to return my 190 steem will take them a mysterious loads of time and resources. To do what exactly?
It takes a second to transfer to them and it requires tons of resources, human power and time to return the funds since they blocked it on their app without even an email? They don't like explaining to much in their responses
I got scammed right? If so, I would like to suggest crowdfunding a reward for them. if a million people will give 1$ to funding I will create just to search for blockchain scammers, we will have resources to keep them at least on their toes. I dont have to get it back, but if the scamming scum will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life for a few hundred of my $... great!
evolutionnow, here's a timeline of notifications we made to our users about delisting Steem on April, 1st, 2018:
- We started with posting a notification in the Steem app and in the Multi Wallet about the future delisting of the coin.
- The first announcements were on Facebook and Twitter on March 14th as well.
- On that very day (March 14th) we sent out an email warning about the planned delisting of Steem to ALL Steem holders with Freewallet and recommendations on moving out your coins.
- On March 27th we made additional reminders to let our users know on Facebook and Twitter. We emailed the same reminder later that day to all Freewallet Steem users ONCE AGAIN. All that time the notification is the apps was up & running.
- Finally, after delisting Steem, we updated the notification in the app inviting everyone who didn't transfer their Steem until then to contact our support team so that we could do it for them.
So yes, it will take time and resources to transfer your Steem because the coin was delisted. However, claiming that we didn't let our users know in advance about the delisting is not true, to say the least.
I installed a wallet (I thought it was a wallet, not a scam) to put a portion of my steem away and have it stored on a wallet, not in your magic cloud of stolen money or even on steemit. Was there some terms and conditions I forgot to read that I have to follow you on FB and check out a wallet I didn't want to use for a year? I should follow you in case you change your mind?
I just checked my spam emails... found it. OK. I take it back for now. You did send emails I did not see
Can you be surprised to be skeptical after reading so much bad info about you? All the bewares are not there because you are doing something right, right?
You might not be a thief, but I've yet to find one person who got their money back. Cool thing you keep replying, but it could be your trick to buy yourself more time to scam more people.
Would you find it suspicious that suspected of being a scam artist cannot give a timescale he needs to return the funds? Fails to explain why it requires resources at all instead of logging in to wherever you store stolen steem and transferring it back to me? 5min
Why would it be so hard to calculate?
So what if you delisted steem? I can show you that I can transfer steem to you in seconds. What is so complicated in going into wherever you store my stolen money and doing the same? Should take less effort than writing your lies.
Something smells of bullshit here.
Can you answer simple questions? Explain the procedure! YOU OWE THIS TO YOUR CUSTOMER SINCE YOU FAIL AS A GOOD SERVICE. Would I be able to withdraw my steem before 1st of April? Looks like many people couldn't.
If only you would fix this, it would be a perfect scam. Get more people on here writing how they got their money back. Well done anyway. Looks really good. Must involve a lot of people too. The more people, the easier it will be to find you.
As I said, I will join the people who are organizing against you if you will not return the money you hold hostage.
I will believe it when I see it. You promised a good service already. Once a liar, always a liar.