I have plenty of psus
the 8 amp brick is fine and it costs only 25 dollars.
the brick I linked is far superior but it does cost 60 dollars.
both of them are kind of meant for 1 unit not 2.
I can tell that the psu you list is better in many ways can run lots of r606 vs using bricks and the price is good price.
But if you want one unit and you want it to look pretty the brick I like has a better look. then the hp and has more power then the sidehack brick
Ie my wife would prefer it over the hp psu. If It was not hidden away.
it is what is nice about this gear.sidekick brick is nice and has it's place
the brick I linked is nice and has its place.
the hp psu is nice and has its place.
a psu in an active build can be used -------- like my video shows.
a psu on sale from newegg can be used.
a psu sitting on a shelf can be used.
a rasp pi can be used
a mac mini can be used
a win 7 build can be used
a win 10 build can be used
a linux build can be used.
the idea of an all in one dock with a rasp pi and a psu would be cool. If I built it I would want the brick I linked or better yet this psu
https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Power-Supply-Units/Power-Supply-Units-Advanced/SF-Series/p/CP-9020182-NAas I think I could run the rasp pi and 3 r606 from this . it is plat and very small.