Can't tell you how happy I am to hear that. Just spent nearly a week putting together all kinds of different configs/setups for my R-box and bought a couple of Pi's so that I wouldn't have to keep a comp running. As much as I like the R-Box (it really is a very cool little device) I just couldn't pass up the compelling specs of the new RK so instead of my initial plan to buy 6 more R-boxes I instead ordered a pair of RK's (waiting for delivery as we speak.
I really hope you are right and the webui will work the same for those.
One last thing, has anyone , anywhere, actually been able to get the R-Box to run at 300 Mhz ? The only freqs I have found that work are 270 and 290, and I have tried every conceivable variation in the config files and even swapped out a couple of different drivers and pushed the voltage a bit. Nothing I tried had any effect on freq, the only change from default I have been able to get to work is the 290, anything else just drops to 270.
Ok just went back and read a few posts from recent days. My R-Box has been running at 34.9 Gh/s for most of a week and
I have yet to have a single HW error (other than when my video card crashed from over clocking a scrypt miner on the same comp). I have my config file thus:
cgminer.exe --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --rmu-freq 290 -o -u YYYYY -p XXXXX
using the rbox version of cgminer (I downloaded it from the Chinese site - a real pain, but it should be available on an English site by now).
ANYTHING else and I do mean just about anything at all, and the device will drop down to run at defaults.
Oh, and for some strange reason even this would not run at first, so for my first run I actually started cgminer and manually entered info for pool, use and pass (if you need to add a device the command in the version I am using is shift - M - + or you can use command auto to have it look for devices) then I hit settings (S) and then (W) to write the config file, you could tweak and rename that file after you have a default setup working.
Hope this helps.