I am very glad, that you have adopted this approach to questions raised.
As stated before my intent is not in the least to insult or attack hitbtc.com, but to get answers in regard to questions which are fundamental to my decision to trust you with my money.
As the evolution of this thread has shown I am not alone with this sentment and for this I must applaude your public and more important comprehensive answer.
Concerning your handling of deposits, withdrawals, and the technical aspects of your platform. I never was given reason to doubt your professionalsim. On the contrary. In my view you are doing an excellent job at those subjects. I hope you can manage to keep up the standards you have established.
I will gladly look into the details for the companies you have provided and continue business with you if what I find fits my risk propensity.
For the time being I wish you good luck with your ventures and hope for you to uphold this open approach.
Nothing new about this?