ah, what would they do? Take me to a therapist? Drugs are my only option. There is nothing else I can do. If anything, xanax is my best option. I mean not only can it help, but it makes me feel happy. It can numb the shitty life I currently have. It makes me forget. Just living the moment with no worries. Amazing. It is better than smoking weed.
I'd start by looking at your language which is a direct reflection of your thought process and an indicator of your attitude. If you tell yourself " there is nothing else I can do," whether or not that is actually the case, you've committed yourself to this belief. If "there's nothing else you can do," then why try?
Contrary to popular belief, isolation during depression can be a very good thing. Similar to how our bodies provide an immune response to physical diseases, a response is also generated with respect to mental illness. The symptoms of mental illnesses like depression are like road signs pointing you in the right direction. However, when most depressed people isolate, they do the wrong things in isolation that only exacerbate the problem. These are often passive activities such as sleeping excessively, watching television, or using drugs. Instead, there are active ways of combating depression in isolation, for example by exercising or meditating.