... тишь да гладь какая-то.
Chat-for-Ban решил немного возмутить спокойствие в слэке, и рассказать о далёком будущем ("end game"), когда у Ёты на основе swarm-интеллекта будет бесконечная масштабируемость в смысле неограниченного TPS, но также и некоторые ограничения как неизбежная расплата за "бесконечность":
Chat-for-Ban [2017.06.27 10:09 PM] if transaction spends "local" iotas then you can get 99% assurance pretty quick; if the iotas are not "local" then they won't be confirmed for quite long time.
[10:13 PM] local iotas = iotas spending inputs which are outputs of previous transfers and those transfers belong to the referenced subtangle too. You can travel to another country and spend iotas there. In this case you will be waiting quite long, so it makes sense spending iotas to your own address again and again during the trip, in this case you'll be keeping "locality" pretty high
[10:15 PM] There are a lot of things which are not obvious. For example, if we add anonymity that breaks links between inputs and outputs then we'll break IOTA. It will have to have full tangle history in this case, swarm logic will stop working. Pity that we can't have anonymity, but it's the price to pay for virtually unlimited scalability. Current nodes don't use swarm intellect, so they must do a lot of work themselves.
[10:16 PM] another things is: people ask what happens if someone spends the same iotas in 2 different parts of the earth. Answer is this: one of the spendings will have to wait a lot of time; the one closer to the original "location" of the iotas will be confirmed faster
[10:17 PM] another drawback comes to mind: iotas should be "refreshed". Without refreshing you can find out that noone remembers about your balance. It's for end game, while we have full nodes it's safe to keep iotas in cold storage. Permanodes can help to some degree, you will need to push old transactions, it's enough to expose only a single path from a transaction in the short-lived memory to the transaction depositing iotas to your address, but if this path is too long then you will be unable to push all the transactions (of the path) because of bandwidth restrictions. Now it doesn't matter, but with swarm nodes (using SPV method) you will need to reattach cold iotas a lot of times before you find place where they are still remembered. Technically it means the following: you will need a lot of PoW to spend the cold iotas successfully. PoW may become prohibitively expensive.
[10:21 PM] attacker can have 10x more hashpower than the whole network, but it can affect only edge nodes. in most probable scenario these nodes will just lose connection to the rest of the nodes because of unintentional DoS attack caused by the attacker pushing a lot of withheld txs. Though if an attacker makes 1/3 of all nodes his zombies - it's the end. There are 2 solutions: security of nodes (e.g. long passwords) + inherent limitations of these nodes (battery will be drained very quickly)
Когда ему намекнули, что о некоторых ограничениях хорошо было бы упомянуть в Whitepaper (под которую проводилось ICO), он прибег к своей обычной лжи:
Chat-for-Ban [11:43 PM]
that was Tangle whitepaper, not IOTA one
хотя в Whitepaper чётко сказано, чему она посвящена:
In the present whitepaper we propose a cryptocurrency system called iota, that can be used for creation of world-wide money for Internet-of-Things using existing hardware.