
Topic: Is anyone following the Israel & Palestine Situation. - page 2. (Read 42652 times)

Activity: 2884
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Gotta love that IDF girls!

Damn they do have some attractive girls there
Hmm I wonder if they also go into the tunnels
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Gotta love that IDF girls!
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
This is never going to end and these innocent people will just keep on dieng untill and unless we all stand together and do something about the situation.
I am sorry i have been away but have had many issues to deal with recently.

I myself am being targeted by a Zion who has been harassing and abusing me because i am against the killing of innocent muslims/children and people in Gaza.

I wish there was more we could do for all the people getting bullied by these super powers.


So, you've got yourself a stalker? Lucky bastard. Grin (looking at your profile, I take it you mean SexyBTC?)

As to what else we can do, joining and spreading the word about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement seems like a good start:,_Divestment_and_Sanctions.
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1102
Free Free Palestine
This is never going to end and these innocent people will just keep on dieng untill and unless we all stand together and do something about the situation.
I am sorry i have been away but have had many issues to deal with recently.

I myself am being targeted by a Zion who has been harassing and abusing me because i am against the killing of innocent muslims/children and people in Gaza.

I wish there was more we could do for all the people getting bullied by these super powers.

Activity: 1806
Merit: 1090
Learning the troll avoidance button :)
The ceasefire seems to be holding for now
One failed this one is still on standby so guess its time to update the body count

Gaza Cease-Fire Between Israel and Hamas Holds for Second Day
Gaza Strip Residents Venture Out, Survey Damage

A cease-fire between Israel and Hamas was holding for a second day Wednesday in advance of talks in Egypt on a long-term truce and a more comprehensive deal on the Gaza Strip.

Many of Gaza's 1.8 million people ventured into the streets in search of food, medical supplies and other staples, taking advantage of the 72-hour pause in Israeli shelling and airstrikes.

Others who had been living in shelters returned after a month of war to their homes or what was left of them. They foraged through the rubble to salvage what they could. Some wandered through their neighborhoods, surveying the damage.

The truce is the longest pause in fighting that has so far killed 1,875 Palestinians and 67 Israelis, including three civilians, since the war started on July 8, according to Palestinian and Israeli officials. Officials are hopeful it can set the groundwork for talks on a lasting peace.

Looks like were at 1942
Almost 2000 now 72 to 2014 ...
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Protests from all around the world..

looks like Isreal and France are the only countries where the protests have turned violent.. that gives me hope for humanity.

Actually the reason why they turned violent in France (and Paris only and only once) it was because the demonstration was forbidden by local autorithies for no legitimate reason, and in fact, they accused the pro Palestinians of synagogue attacks which were proven wrong and were proven by video to be the cause of LDJ (league de defense juive, Jewish defense league a extremist group that is forbidden in Israel, US and many other countries) that were provoking Pro Palestinian youth, and attacked them by trowing projectiles on them but the fingers were pointed towards pro Palestinians as the CRIF (equivalent AIPAC in France) made an outcry to the government.

The rest of protest in whole France never turned or were violent, and a week after the event the demonstration wasn't banned, and there were no issues what so ever.

As for the people that broke the law protested despite and the ban, and went violent need to be punished accordingly

As for topic, please take a minute and read what Gabor Maté a Jew, survivor of the Holocaust, point of view on this event :

As a Jewish youngster growing up in Budapest, an infant survivor of the Nazi genocide, I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head would spin: “How was it possible? How could the world have let such horrors happen?”

It was a naïve question, that of a child. I know better now: such is reality. Whether in Vietnam or Rwanda or Syria, humanity stands by either complicitly or unconsciously or helplessly, as it always does. In Gaza today we find ways of justifying the bombing of hospitals, the annihilation of families at dinner, the killing of pre-adolescents playing soccer on a beach.

In Israel-Palestine the powerful party has succeeded in painting itself as the victim, while the ones being killed and maimed become the perpetrators. “They don’t care about life,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says, abetted by the Obamas and Harpers of this world, “we do.” Netanyahu, you who with surgical precision slaughter innocents, the young and the old, you who have cruelly blockaded Gaza for years, starving it of necessities, you who deprive Palestinians of more and more of their land, their water, their crops, their trees — you care about life?

There is no understanding Gaza out of context — Hamas rockets or unjustifiable terrorist attacks on civilians — and that context is the longest ongoing ethnic cleansing operation in the recent and present centuries, the ongoing attempt to destroy Palestinian nationhood.

The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery. Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability.

Israel wants peace? Perhaps, but as the veteran Israeli journalist Gideon Levy has pointed out, it does not want a just peace. Occupation and creeping annexation, an inhumane blockade, the destruction of olive groves, the arbitrary imprisonment of thousands, torture, daily humiliation of civilians, house demolitions: these are not policies compatible with any desire for a just peace. In Tel Aviv Gideon Levy now moves around with a bodyguard, the price of speaking the truth.

I have visited Gaza and the West Bank. I saw multi-generational Palestinian families weeping in hospitals around the bedsides of their wounded, at the graves of their dead. These are not people who do not care about life. They are like us — Canadians, Jews, like anyone: they celebrate life, family, work, education, food, peace, joy. And they are capable of hatred, they can harbour vengeance in the hearts, just like we can.

One could debate details, historical and current, back and forth. Since my days as a young Zionist and, later, as a member of Jews for a Just Peace, I have often done so. I used to believe that if people knew the facts, they would open to the truth. That, too, was naïve. This issue is far too charged with emotion. As the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle has pointed out, the accumulated mutual pain in the Middle East is so acute, “a significant part of the population finds itself forced to act it out in an endless cycle of perpetration and retribution.”

“People’s leaders have been misleaders, so they that are led have been confused,” in the words of the prophet Jeremiah. The voices of justice and sanity are not heeded. Netanyahu has his reasons. Harper and Obama have theirs.

And what shall we do, we ordinary people? I pray we can listen to our hearts. My heart tells me that “never again” is not a tribal slogan, that the murder of my grandparents in Auschwitz does not justify the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians, that justice, truth, peace are not tribal prerogatives. That Israel’s “right to defend itself,” unarguable in principle, does not validate mass killing.

A few days ago I met with one of my dearest friends, a comrade from Zionist days and now professor emeritus at an Israeli university. We spoke of everything but the daily savagery depicted on our TV screens. We both feared the rancour that would arise.

But, I want to say to my friend, can we not be sad together at what that beautiful old dream of Jewish redemption has come to? Can we not grieve the death of innocents? I am sad these days. Can we not at least mourn together?
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
One civilian died and quite a few injured following a terrorist attack in Israel.
The IDF's mission is to stop these terror attacks.
Everyone agrees that civilian deaths are a tragedy. We all pray for this war to end soon.

this is the problem... there is no military solution to terrorism.
the IDF is doing nothing but creating more terrorists.

if you want proof just look at Iraq. or listen to the comments of ex Isreali and CIA Intelligence officers.
or just open your eyes and watch your will see a sharp increase in violence and extremism on both sides (both Jews and Muslims) in Isreal because of what happened in Gaza.

If you think Hamas is bad then just watch who replaces them in Gaza... if you think Netanyahoo is bad.. just watch who replaces him in Isreal.

the justification for this war was manufactured in order to give more power to the Isreali right wing and the IDF.
and all those pro Isreal supporters fell for it hook line and sinker just like the American popular opinion fell for the WMD and Terrorist propaganda before the Invasion of Iraq.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told the BBC last week that police believed the killers did not have ties to Hamas in Gaza — but did to Hamas in the West Bank. But the Israeli intelligence officer noted that the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, and Israeli intelligence are the ones taking the lead on the investigation, not the police.
Like other Israeli military officials, the officer said he was worried that events on the ground had been misrepresented by politicians. Netanyahu has long been pressed by more right-wing elements of his government to address Hamas’ growing popularity in the West Bank. In the month prior to the kidnapping, Israel had strongly lobbied against Hamas joining together in a unity government with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank — a move that brought Hamas into the fold of political life there and could, one day, allow its elected officials to openly campaign in the West Bank. “Hamas in the West Bank is fragmented, there are many factions — could these teens have broken off and called themselves a separate Hamas faction? Possibly. But that is not the most likely scenario, nor the one we are pursuing,” the officer said.
Former Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin, who long oversaw Israel’s security operation in the West Bank, recently told Der Spiegel he did not believe Hamas was behind the kidnapping.

and here even more evidence

according to this source, translated from a facebook post by Yuval Diskin who served as director of Israel's Shin Bet security service from 2005 to 2011

Dear friends: Take a few moments to read the following words and share them with others. I see the severe and rapid deterioration of the security situation in the territories, Jerusalem and the Triangle and I’m not surprised. Don’t be confused for a moment. This is the result of the policy conducted by the current government, whose essence is: Let’s frighten the public over everything that’s happening around us in the Middle East, let’s prove that there’s no Palestinian partner, let’s build more and more settlements and create a reality that can’t be changed, let’s continue not dealing with the severe problems of the Arab sector in Israel, let’s continue not solving the severe social gaps in Israeli society. This illusion worked wonderfully as long as the security establishment was able to provide impressive calm on the security front over the last few years as a result of the high-quality, dedicated work of the people of the Shin Bet, the IDF and the Israel Police as well as the Palestinians whose significant contribution to the relative calm in the West Bank should not be taken lightly.
However, the rapid deterioration we’re experiencing in the security situation did not come because of the vile murder of Naftali, Eyal and Gil-Ad, may their memories be blessed. The deterioration is first and foremost a result of the illusion that the government’s inaction on every front can actually freeze the situation in place, the illusion that “price tag” is simply a few slogans on the wall and not pure racism, the illusion that everything can be solved with a little more force, the illusion that the Palestinians will accept everything that’s done in the West Bank and won’t respond despite the rage and frustration and the worsening economic situation, the illusion that the international community won’t impose sanctions on us, that the Arab citizens of Israel won’t take to the streets at the end of the day because of the lack of care for their problems, and that the Israeli public will continue submissively to accept the government’s helplessness in dealing with the social gaps that its policies have created and are worsening, while corruption continues to poison everything good, and so on and so on.
But anyone who thinks the situation can tread water over the long run is making a mistake, and a big one. What’s been happening in the last few days can get much worse — even if things calm down momentarily. Don’t be fooled for a moment, because the enormous internal pressure will still be there, the combustible fumes in the air won’t diminish and if we don’t learn to lessen them the situation will get much worse. I’m reprinting here a portion of my speech at the tenth anniversary of the Geneva Initiative in December 2013, which was based on several articles I’ve written in the last few years. The words are based on my experience in the security arena in general, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and in the schism between Jews and Arabs in the state of Israel in particular. It’s important to read in order to understand where we’re headed, because under the existing circumstances there aren’t too many other possibilities:

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
...math, you can trust math.
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260
Israeli official calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters'
Moshe Feiglin is Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset
He posted the message on his Facebook page at the weekend
Plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world
IDF would 'exterminate nests of resistance' as part of his plan
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1348
One civilian died and quite a few injured following a terrorist attack in Israel.
The IDF's mission is to stop these terror attacks.
Everyone agrees that civilian deaths are a tragedy. We all pray for this war to end soon.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
It appears that the IDF might have killed the Isreali soldier that was captured by Hamas along with dozens of civilians in a strategy that is called the Hannibal directive. Honestly I am amazed that anyone would want to serve in an army that is willing to kill them just so that they can't be used as a bargaining chip if they get captured. Shocked

honestly who would want to live in a country where if the terrorists don't kill you then your own army might (and anyone else nearby) if you are captured instead?

He probably died when the suicide bomber exploded in his face. anyway if he was captured alive even more people would have died from both sides.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
It appears that the IDF might have killed the Isreali soldier that was captured by Hamas along with dozens of civilians in a strategy that is called the Hannibal directive. Honestly I am amazed that anyone would want to serve in an army that is willing to kill them just so that they can't be used as a bargaining chip if they get captured. Shocked

honestly who would want to live in a country where if the terrorists don't kill you then your own army might (and anyone else nearby) if you are captured instead?
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Protests from all around the world..

looks like Isreal and France are the only countries where the protests have turned violent.. that gives me hope for humanity.
Where is humanity I am in searching for this but not available because most of peoples sleeping or enjoying with this situation in palestine

Don't take what some users here are saying to mean people at large are happy with the situation: many of these accounts that show up and almost immediately start defending Israel's actions are most likely shills, and I'm sure there are a few bought Senior Member accounts as well among them.

That said, it's true that a lot more needs to be done for the situation to improve. If you can, join and spread the word about the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).

well said.. the whole point of Bitcoin and Crypto currency in general was to allow people break free from the monopolistic control of corrupt governments and financial institutions.
this is not just to stop them from stealing your hard earned money through financial scandals and so called quantitative easing (ie printing money),
it is also to reduce their capacity to wage wars without the willing consent of the people.

it is not a coincidence that Bitcoin was launched in 2008 at the height of the global financial crisis and while bush was busy waging war in Iraq and sinking the US economy into further debt.
it was by design.

Bitcoin was and still is the libertarian response to global financial market corruption. just like the Occupy movement was the liberalist response to the same issues.

the world is changing.. the fact that we are all here is a testament to that.

here is a speech by Stefan Molyneux who is one of the Bitcoin evangelists on the topic of how bitcoin can reduce War.
I don't agree with everything he says but he certainly does have strong following in the crypto community.

Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
Protests from all around the world..

looks like Isreal and France are the only countries where the protests have turned violent.. that gives me hope for humanity.
Where is humanity I am in searching for this but not available because most of peoples sleeping or enjoying with this situation in palestine

Don't take what some users here are saying to mean people at large are happy with the situation: many of these accounts that show up and almost immediately start defending Israel's actions are most likely shills, and I'm sure there are a few bought Senior Member accounts as well among them.

That said, it's true that a lot more needs to be done for the situation to improve. If you can, join and spread the word about the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions).
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Protests from all around the world..

looks like Isreal and France are the only countries where the protests have turned violent.. that gives me hope for humanity.
Where is humanity I am in searching for this but not available because most of peoples sleeping or enjoying with this situation in palestine
hero member
Activity: 988
Merit: 1000
IDF to complete destruction of Hamas tunnels by Sunday; Troops begin withdrawal

The IDF has destroyed Hamas's flagship terrorism project; its network of cross-border tunnels that snuck under the border into Israel. The military also began to pull its forces out of the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening.

Hamas has spent five years preparing this strategic threat; the IDF wrecked 31 tunnels in two weeks. By Sunday, all of the tunnels the IDF knew about, or discovered during the offensive, will be destroyed. A few tunnels that Israel doesn't know about may remain intact.

Many of the underground passages were designed to send heavily armed murder squads into Israeli villages for killing sprees, and attack army positions from behind. They were filled with weapons, explosives, and equipment, enabling terrorists dressed in civilian clothing to disappear into a shaft in Gaza, and emerge in Israel, disguised as IDF soldiers and fully equipped to carry out a mass casualty attack. The IDF has discovered motorcycles in some of the tunnels, which were earmarked by Hamas for rapid raids into Israel and subsequent retreats back into Gaza.

I think the important part of this is that there may still be more tunnels so the IDF will likely need to continue fighting and looking for tunnels. AFAIK they have discovered several tunnels recently despite a blockade of cement except for humanitarian purposes.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Protests from all around the world..

looks like Isreal and France are the only countries where the protests have turned violent.. that gives me hope for humanity.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000

I mostly agree with you there, but I wouldn't say they are a small minority anymore. Take this video on the pro and anti-war demonstrations in Israel: (about 10 min) - these would probably be among the worst and more vocal examples, sure, but the mentality seems widespread.

it tends to grow during times of war and then it can easily spiral out of control.

interesting to see those isreali nationalists singing and dancing in the street when they accused hamas of doing the same thing when 3 isrealis were kidnapped and killed.
interesting to see them making nazi salutes and satanic hand gestures, do these people really think they are representing jewish culture?

also interesting to see them boycott and harass people who do not agree with the war and try to get them sacked. and then they complain when the world wants to boycott isreal.
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
Bomb attack on school, nicely played...
Isreal do what they want to.
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
the real enemies of Isreal are the racists who live inside Isreal and push for constant war and conquest.
these people will lead to the destruction of Isreal because they are a dirty minority that manipulate the masses into doing their bidding.

"im sorry we have to kill innocent women and children it is for our own survival.."

this kind of mentality is extremely dangerous.
do you know why?

because it is the exact same mentality used by Islamic Extremists.
It is also the exact same mentality used by the Nazis.

the very moment you try to justify the killing of innocent people because of your own deep seated fears.. this is the moment you lose your humanity.

I mostly agree with you there, but I wouldn't say they are a small minority anymore. Take this video on the pro and anti-war demonstrations in Israel: (about 10 min) - these would probably be among the worst and more vocal examples, sure, but the mentality seems widespread.
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