Go the other way. But it all as you wish, not as you are forced. Free enterprise in government. Buy the government services you want rather than being forced through taxation.
Nope, the principle of taxation is that you pay what you can and you get what you need.
That's not possible with just public services.
The principle of taxation is that you pay. Often you don't get what you think you are paying for. Often you get things you don't want or need.
Get rid of taxation.
Buy what you want or need. If Government is the best supplier, buy it from Government. But, be allowed to choose rather than forced.
And if you can't because you don't have the money for it? :/
Look at USA, numerous people, even with good insurance, simply don't have the money to pay for healthcare...
I don't like the idea of death, either. But all people seem to die sooner or later.
No money? Work for it. Don't steal it from others, even by hiring a bunch of government people to do the robbery for you through taxation.
Taxation is not robbery but a social obligation. If we do not pay our taxes then we can not have the welfare services from our government. Look at the United States their taxes is working on them they have 911 that will give you police power at your service including medical services during emergency. Without taxes there will be no government and the burglar will kill you since you cannot call for help.
Just the idea of social obligation without voluntary joining ones self to such social obligation is a form of theft. The theft is that those who want social obligation are forcing those who don't want it into the mentality of it.
Good. Get rid of welfare.
Police in the States aren't required to do anything, by law.
Wrong. Without taxes, if you want police protection, pay for it directly. Perhaps you own guns and don't need police protection. Why should you be forced to buy it through taxes?
Taxes are theft. Tax collectors are the thieves. Buy police protection to protect yourself from these tax collector thieves.