Did you indeed read the Animal farm? Because I am not sure, you understood the message. Pigs took over from farmer under the promise of social justice. They then became the new farmer accusing their slaves of being accomplices to the former master. It is the story of socialism.
I disagree! But the book is complex it would be difficult to be sure what was the point Orwell wanted to make.
Pigs took over from farmer but if you remember well the first pigs wanted indeed to keep their promises. It's only because the other animals were too stupid to see the pig named Napoleon as what he really was (a dictator) and agreed to give him all powers.
If they had stopped him from taking absolute powers, then the farm would have worked nicely.
As you can see I did read the Animal farm but I don't have the same reading that you ^^
When someone else pays it for you it's free for you. But you can say it's not free from a macro point of view.
Its not *free*, if there is payment involved. At the very best you could call it a hand out. In this way big governments buy loyalty of lower classes and keep them in order. Calling it solidarity is ridiculous, completely twisting meaning of the word. It is means of control, targeting people, who have no moral compass of their own.
Even forced it's still solidarity, even if of goodwill would be better.
I would love to see your definition of slavery then. Also see above.
I'm sorry but just read the definition of the word that I gave to you...
Solidarity is the share of responsability in a community. There is NO NEED FOR GOODWILL.
Of course it's better, but solidarity isn't "being nice to ones fellow citizens". It's sharing the responsability accross a group. In socialism, taxation is the way to share the responsability. Responsability of what will you ask? Responsability for the future generations to be able to continue making the country grow.
Granting basic education and healthcare to all citizens is considered as a responsability in some developped countries. It is not the case in USA and UK but that's merely a question of what does the people consider as a responsability, there isn't a good or a bad answer to that. Only a question of perspectives.
But YES taxation IS solidarity by DEFINITION because taxation is the way we share the responsability accross a nation. That you like it or not has no impact on what it is.
But as you saw in Animal Farm the problem isn't the system in itself but the fact that the pigs took the power on the system.
If you can make the same system with everyone in control (direct democracy) then there is nothing wrong with it.
I advise re-read.
Pigs control was direct result of democracy. They won others under false promise of equality replacing natural order.
I advise re-read too ^^
Pigs control is not a result of direct democracy, the full control that Napoleon takes on the farm was by force, it's only when he kills the other pigs and takes everything by force that the shit hits the fan.