Don't forget to include the forced insurance schemes i.e. health insurance, auto insurance, financial insurance. Pretty soon the state will force you to pay insurance insurance, just in case the first insurance schemes collapse. As long as you keep your money in the bank, it's not your money. They only give it back to you because they've been profiting and expanding for 80 years. Wait until the economy takes a dive, lets see if they pay you your winnings once they begin losing.
No insurance does make sense, auto insurance is definitely not a stupid thing considering that drivers are so dumb that they cause accidents all the time.
And humans arent living a healthy life either,so health insurance is good as well.
I am not sure what financial insurance means.
The problem is that there is no competition between insurers, they are in monopoly, so the premiums are high. And the health insurance is socialized, meaning that the rich subsidize the poor, and the poor therefore wont have a healthy lifestyle because the knows that his ass is covered.
So it's wrong incentives. These things should be affordable, and private, not socialized and therefore high priced.