No! it is not a theft, it is legal actually. And it is also written in the Bible that we need to pay taxes. Now if some of the officials in the government are greed in money they can steal the some of the taxes in the government.
So, a President and a bunch of people in Congress say taxation is legal. I and millions of other people say taxation is not legal. Who is right? Why should a few people in Government make taxation legal, when a bunch of other people say it is not? After all, Government people are simply people. They eat food, breathe air, and do all the same things that we all do. Even the Declaration of Independence says that all people are created equal. Why is their legality better than the legality of a bunch of other people? Why are their words so important and the words of a lot of other people are not?
If millions of people say that taxation is legal, and millions say that it isn't, what right does one group have over the other? If you want to pay taxes, pay them. But don't force other people to pay if they don't want to.
Look at it the other way. What if you wanted to pay taxes. And what if a bunch of people wouldn't let you because they said that it was legal to not let you pay taxes. Would that be right? No! That is slavery, either way.
When the Bible says to pay taxes, it isn't as simple as that. Jesus indicated a Roman coin with a picture of Caesar on it and said,
"Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Never did He say that all the money belonged to Caesar. Never did He even say anything about taxation. He said,
"Give." Giving is donation, not taxation. The churches are mixing you up on this one.
Roman's 13 talks about governments and taxation. If you claim allegiance to a government, you have just claimed that the government is your boss. By your own words you are claiming that you are a slave to
that government. If you are a willing slave, then obey your master. But the government Romans 13 is telling you to be under is the government of God.
It's the same in a hostage situation. If a bunch of bank robbers take you and a bunch of bank patrons hostage while they try to rob the bank, aren't they temporarily your government? If they have guns, and one of them tells you to go sit in the corner, you have a choice. You can make him your temporary government by obeying him, or you can keep your government to God and face the wrath of being shot dead. Your choice.
Romans 13 didn't directly anticipate governments like those of Canada, the USA, Britain, Australia, Guyana (S.A.), India, and a few others, where the people are over their governments with the jury. In these countries, the government has been given options to tax without taxing the people directly. It is only through treachery that they can tax the people directly.
Romans 13, also, talks about YOUR government. In America, your government is you. The land you own is your land, not the Government's. Government is limited by the Constitution to owning 10 square miles called Washington DC, and certain other lands ceded to them by the States. The only reason they occupy other lands in the States is because people haven't taken government people to jury trial about it. But this is changing. See America, Government only has authority in the ways that are specifically stated in Government paperwork. That authority is only over the Government. If people don't want to do a jury trial every time that government tells them something,
that is up to the people. Why? Because in America, Government people are still only people, and it is never the Government telling anything to anybody. It is always Government PEOPLE telling it to them. So, if you pay the IRS tax in America, you are doing it by becoming hostages in a hostage situation.
Romans 13 is essentially talking about 3 things:
1. God as your government;
2. Voluntary government;
3. Hostage situations.
In these things pay taxes, the tithe to God if He demands it from you, and whatever your #2 and #3 governments demand. If you don't want to pay taxes to a government, get out of that government if you are in it. BTW, In America, you are not in the government if you are simply on your own property.
In Canada, the USA, Britain, Australia, Guyana (S.A.), India, and a few others, you are taxed by being a hostage of government treachery, not because you owe a tax.