I hope lee would clarify what caused such event and how this "forced" downtime would be counted.
Mark down *All* downtime you incur, keep good records. At the beginning of next month, you'll get an email with what Lee thinks your compensation should be, but reply with your notes and the corrected amount and that's what you should get.
I had the following changes compared to just what the offline changes were:
24 hours downtime before the downtime counter on the web started for one machine
10 hours downtime for a miner taken over exactly as yours was
Also two miners were added after the middle of the month, so I adjusted down the 14.4 hours on each and prorated it to be 2% downtime unpaid for those machines only based on the days they were running.
These changes made a huge impact compared to the initial compensation calculation shown.
Those hours of takeover time, really should have been outside the calculation and brought back in at the end for compensation. As it wasn't downtime and it was mining for Lee, I would suggest you do just that. Meaning bypass the deduction of the franchise hours for the hours your machine mines for Lee.