Hi guys,
A friend have actually a really strange problem with his desktop DGB wallet : he's limited by a max amount of DGB to sent. Moreover, his fees are huge compared of mine.
Eg : Yesterday, I have transfered 336 000 DGB for a total fees of 42 DGB. My friend need to pay 96 DGB for a transfer of 38 000 DGB only. Have I missed something? Is there a rule that increase the fees to be paid the more you make transaction? This doesn't sound logic at all, and I've never read anything related to this.
We are both on the 4.0.3 wallet, 64 bits... on Windows.
The transaction fee to send is based on the number of input transactions (actually it's based on the size (in kb) of the transaction, but more inputs = larger size, so it's easier to just say number of transactions).
If you have 10000 DGB and received them 5 at a time (2000 inputs), you would have a higher transaction fee to send them than someone who received 10000 DGB all at once (1 input).
The transaction fee that you can set in your wallet is added to the automatic transaction fee based on inputs. Setting it to 0 will not remove transaction fees.
If you are using the core wallet, you can enable coin control and see the inputs and transactionfee when you try to send. You can also choose which input transactions to use when you send. For the lowest fee, you would always want to choose your largest value inputs.