The state Supreme Court declined on March 22 to hear nearly all of Lake’s appeal, saying there was no evidence to support her claim that over 35,000 ballots were added to vote totals. Earlier this month, the court sanctioned Lake’s lawyers $2,000 for making false statements when saying more than 35,000 ballots had been improperly added to the total ballot count.
I mean whining.
Thank you for pointing out (through your link) that Kari Lake and her attorneys are having an affect. The poor judges just don't know how many times they can throw out her case(s). I mean, they are having to consider the PEOPLE. If the people believe Kari Lake, the judges could be in trouble. Let me explain.
If there is some possibility that Lake is right, one, single, legal accusation against a judge can raise investigations into the judge and his qualifications. A judge can be barred from not only the bench until this investigation is at least completed. But he can be potentially barred from his tenure... which amounts to $millions in retirement.
What this means is that the State Supreme Court is not only protecting itself, but it is protecting Judge Thompson by remanding the case back to him. He will need to come up with more and better excuses this time. If he doesn't, Lake just might win by something like a default.
You seem confused.
After Lake lost the election, she filed a lawsuit with over a dozen arguments on how it was rigged.
The first court threw all her arguments in the trash for various reasons, but mostly because they were just dumb and didn't come close to proving her case.
The appeals court also threw her entire suit in the trash the same way. And they fined her lawyers thousands of dollars for acting like a bunch of fools and wasting the courts time with all these stupid arguments. One of her arguments, the one about signatures, was thrown in the trash without even being considered after they ruled it was filed too late.
The supreme court did the same. All of her arguments in the trash, because they were idiotic arguments and she couldn't prove anything she was claiming. Except....they disagreed with the appeals court that the argument about signatures was filed too late. They didn't think it was too late. So they sent it back to appeals so that it could be thrown in the trash for being an idiotic argument instead of being filed too late.
So now we will watch as this lawsuit goes down the same path as that kooky Brunson suit, or all of Sidney Powells Kraken suits, or Trumps lawsuits against Comey, Clinton, the NY Times, CNN, etc... Laughed out of the court room because there are no valid arguments, just a bunch of losers crying about losing.