What I don't understand is, why are you morons so up in arms over a "democratically elected" president being deposed for trying to become a dictator
I'm sorry but the only "moron" is in your mirror, because only a moron would believe in something like that. Who told you this nonsense, CNN or FoxNews? I'm afraid that I haven't seen anything more stupid during the last two months.
Don't be naive, do you really believe that police is unable to disperse such demonstration? If he wanted to become a dictator, he would have got it. If you believe that special forces were unable to resolve this type of problem, then you have never seen this guys in action. Less than 15 minutes would be required to resolve these "protests" by force.
He even wouldn't need to use an armed forces for that, just give the "Berkut" an order to use batons, and it's done... But unfortunately, Yanukovych has no balls to do what is needed to be done right from beginning, and he ordered them to do nothing. Unlike the US, Russian, Greek or German governments, who doesn't shrink from using the batons, tear gas attacks and other democratical correction practices.
Yeah, that's kinda what Yanukovich was going for, and why he got kicked out.
It seems that somebody has no idea about EU and US observers, who have confirmed that elections were legitimate.
and then are so alarmed about the possibility of a right wing fascist government coming to power, but are completely ignoring the actual dictator-in-all-but-name FASCIST in the cuntry just to the east of Ukraine? Worse, you are actually supporting his news and his propaganda! I have no idea what political views you guys have, but if I had to guess, it'd be pro-totalitarian statists. Not libertarian/anarchist that the majority of bitcoin supporters are.
I see these bold tags, baseless insults and continuous, senseless propaganda accusations... And I find that it's a strong reason to think that you are too obsessed with "these damn russians propaganda dictator invasion killer occupation hitler muahahaha" stuff. This is exactly what is seen in virtually every your message here. Apparently, it's quite important for you. I see typical pattern here:
1. Your gf have dropped you? / Your salary is not enough to cover the bills? / Your neighbor is a fool? / whatever
2. Blame it on russians.
This is understandable, it's difficult to avoid the temptation to accept a simple explanation for all problems. But it's actually a dead end because russians, ukrainians[, ...] just don't give a fuck about your existence and they never will.
Calm down and try to find lovely girl, share a drink with her and then think how wonderful that we are all living in this world. Everything will become normal after that, and clear thinking will quickly return. Good luck.