I was not able together a good price on them.
How do they work for you?
I think they have dual bios on them.
this power color red devil may be just as good I know it has a dual bios switch
On a completely different subject. I run 125kwatt of gear in Clifton NJ. There are four of us in on it.
We have gpus for eth and progpow. asics for LTC and btc
I have 2 small pc's one on the Verizon router and one on the optimum router.
They let me use team viewer to run all the gear.
One pc is crapping out maybe the small brick psu. and of course the hot room.
So I built an AMD Ryzen 3900 put in 1 amd 5700 and loaded teamveiwer.
I will use it to run the Verizon gear via TeamViewer I will also mine it it make 2-3 bucks a day.