- Is it really valid that we should blame the online cockfighting here that's why most people wrecked their lives?
In my opinion, there is no justification for cockfighting, if they really want to get the money they can actually get it in other ways. This is their only excuse. Have they ever thought of the condition of the cocks as just a means of printing money at their expense? pathetic.
I highly agree Philippine Government should invest more in infrastructure that will give them profit, instead of relying too much on the gaming industry. I hope in the Philippines' upcoming election, people choose the one who is very capable to lead the country.
This became inhumane because of the money involve and the purpose of this, cockfighting is gambling and that is the perception of many if they’ll here its gambling, they believe its inhumane.
No, cockfighting is inhumane in its very nature not because of the money involved or the gambling stuff but because we pit two fowl to battle to the death. If it is gambling that makes it inhumane then why don't we categorize playing slots and other casino games as inhumane?
Well, there’s already a decision to ban these type of gambling but for sure offline cockfighting will still be there, and most probably if you are already exposed to online, you will go for offline option and continue gambling, this is already a big concern for the government.
That is why banning cockfight altogether is the way to go to address that big concern.