The nlp captcha to resume mining keeps telling me I am wrong when I am definitely correct, and it wont let me resume mining, if it's thinking I am using a bot or something it is an idiot, I am not using any bot or doing anything but showing up and doing my job of filling in said captcha so I can mine, and if it's thinking that because I am always right, again still not a bot, just smart enough to pay attention. please fix the thing so I can resume mining. Also not mad at you but at the captcha itself, I tried it several times, refreshed it alot of times, used the voice thing on it etc, and it still tells me the captche I entered was incorrect. Thank you for your time and this great site.
Site isn't paying. I think the project was abandoned by the owners. Don't waste your time doing these captchas and low reward things until any owner of this site come here and tell something about. You won't earng anything for doing this.
I tried this site before, pay almost nothing, but with the upgrades options make it look better, but without any support answer it's just a waste of time.