This price is only marginally affected by the amount of gold above ground or the number of brilliant and rare NotLambchop originals.
Now you now.
The current price is not affected, no. We are talking about a future price in the hypothesis of success and full adoption as a global store of value and unit of transfer.
It is not that the quantity of above ground gold changes anything, but it is about the wealth that it represents today in relation with the functions that it plays today.
First, let's deal with a few misconceptions.
The amount of gold in the world does not represent the total "wealth" of the world. Nor does the combined total of gold and silver. Nor does the combined total of gold, silver, cowrie shells and NotLambchop originals.
Another strange loop you enter into when giving (total fiat /total bitcoin) ratios is "what happens with total fiat after such an exchange?"
In other words, if each Bitcoin, in a quest for world domination. is sold for the equal share of the world's fiat supply, what is that huge pile of fiat worth after the sale? Nothing? Than why would the seller of bitcoin make such an unprofitable deal?
Half of what it was worth before the sale?
And what of the gold, which wasn't part of that exchange?
Such fundamental misunderstanding here...
Where did I or anyone say that the gold represents the total wealth of the world ?
"what happens with total fiat after such an exchange?"
Why would anything happen to the fiat used to buy bitcoin after an exchange ? Why would it be nothing after the sale ?
Who enters into strange loops ?
Full bitcoin adoption means less use of fiat for transactions and storage of value, and less use of gold for storage of value, and less use of real estate for storage of value, and a comparable lowering of fiat and gold value and real estate value relative to total global wealth. Indeed, bitcoin, a new player takes these functions and "steals" a % in the representation of global wealth. Global wealth remains the same, but what is used to transact it and represent it changes.
Your points didn't add anything to the discussion and were only about bashing others about poor understanding while showing no argument whatsoever.
If you could write a post with some logic or honesty and without blaming others for poor understanding I will reconsider the troll label that was just stick on "NotLambchop".