Inflation is linked to interest rates. Ruzzia keeps inflation low by having nearly double interest rates. Now, stuff more graphs there, but try to understand the basics of economy first.
Let's get this clear: do you consider the attack on grain storages in Ukraine a terrorist act? A simple yes or no will suffice. I offer you a similar direct answer to any (non personal) similar question in exchange.
RE scalations, most of your assertions are false. ATACAMS have more range, more payload and are more difficult to intercept. The stormshadows are very obviously hitting high value targets, and I mean nearly every day,... You should try to read something that is not the official propaganda. The F-35 with some of the longer range rockets do not even need to get near to the front...
RE grain production in the US... well, your graph basically proves my point. US is a grain exporter and will benefit from higher prices. It is irrelevant if Ruzzia exports more or less, the price is the price. Look, seriously, just read ANY book on economy. You need them all.
Now, it seems that you are trying to deny any and all the capabilities built during decades by US and other... it just does not fly (note the pun), those weapons are effective like hell. The US has the potential to support Ukraine up by a factor of 10. They just do not want to - for now. Putin is nearly out of escalations other than nuclear, which he would loose (not that anyone wins in that case).
Latest thing, he is now promoting conflicts in Niger and Congo. But worry not, those will be dealt with in due time, first things first.
Anyway, while you theorise, reality is making a check on all that. Ukraine is moving at a faster pace and liberating some interesting bits of territory in the Zapo front. A trust towards Tohmak has become veeeeery posible. There are also some unconfirmed data on the lack of effectiveness of the "Surovikin line" of defence - there are not enough troops to actually defend it.
Oh, BTW, you are still thinking that somehow Europe has heating problems? Have you not read anything in the last year? Europe simply buys the gas from US an Norway, the countries affected are those that cannot pay the price.
Let's get this clear: do you consider the attack on grain storages in Ukraine a terrorist act?
This feels like a friend/foe, are you with/against us groupthink litmus test i.e. completely useless and devoid of reasoning. But nevertheless since you've asked nicely i'll comply. For whom Ukraine? NO.
Long answer: to objectify this, i'd frame this as country A attacking commodity for export in country B with no loss of life. Technically, strictly by definition, I guess that should be considered terrorism, but an attack on power/heating/water infrastructure is not (because that is always claimed to have military use). That's counterproductive and takes away from the real acts of terrorism. To me, terrorism is intentional, direct, or directly linked, loss or serious injury to civilian population without military justification. e.g. bomb in a subway, airliner targeted into a building, destroying food to cause hunger... But admittedly it's a spectrum, if anything I'd argue that inverse should be true, taking out a power grid in a city is more damaging to civilians than attacking some export storage.
So my question for you is at what point soldiers' lives should be considered and this carnage should stop being encouraged? Or are you in the "till the last Ukrainian until Crimea" camp?
Obviously the question is not if is terrorism from Ukraine, but from the RF. It is obvious that you are judging with a double scale (and assuming that there is no loss of life when attacking a silo... a long shot). It seem that the attack on the Ministry of defence is not terrorism at all by your (veeery peculiar definition).
Anyway, the Ruzzians are well past the border of terrorism since the beginning of the war, but you are going to deny and throw dirt on any proof, so I will just let the official institutions do their research and then let you deny.
You have change your view on the effectiveness of weapons... not useless after all... good, good, ... now you just to get familiarised with the differences between and we then can talk again. A million possible escalations are possible from the Ukrainian side, simply because the aid is very limited in all aspects. Just read the Ukrainian requests to US and see how they are fine with using more and better weapons that do exist.
To your question, which I have answered in many posts - the fight has to continue until a result that guarantees a future stable peace is reached. It is no use to surrender "to save lives" if the conditions for the next invasion are setup. As of now, if Putin gets his way to a significant degree, there will be another war soon and then another...
But hey, I also have a peace plan, just like you! Until when should the RF army hold the occupied territories? Just leave and save all those lives you care so much about.
But who can tell if you are telling the truth, or if Russia is?
Western special services created almost all major terrorist groups — Russian official
Almost all current major terrorist groups have been created, supplied and financed by special services that implement the decisions of Western countries, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said at a BRICS meeting in South Africa.
"Almost all major contemporary terrorist groups have been created, supplied and financed by special services implementing the political decisions of the leadership of Western countries," he said at a meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in Johannesburg, according to the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper.
He said terrorism "as it now exists, is a direct tool to promote the influence of the US and its satellites."
According to Patrushev, Moscow regards joint counterterrorism efforts as one of the priority areas of cooperation within BRICS.
"We oppose the politicization of international anti-terrorist cooperation and the application of double standards in this area. We are convinced that the fight against terrorism must be based on universal norms and principles of international law," the official said.