Tearing down the knowledge that we have of God, and replacing it with science-theory-as-fact is not intellectual progress. In case you haven't noticed, this is the thing that is being, and has been for a long time, done in many schools. Rather, let's find out more about God instead of trying to bury the idea that He exists.
I am ashamed it is taking America as long as it is to recognize the perversion in homosexuality, and many other things. When the people can take it no longer, they will outlaw it forcefully.
Christians and their god are filled with so much hate. Been to any good cross burnings lately?
Actually, it is YOU who are looking through hate-filled eyes so much, that you can't see anything but the hate in yourself.
Generally speaking, it is not the idea of Christians to be against homosexuality. It is God's idea.
Why be against Homosexuality?
1. It serves no purpose. There is ONE reason for sexuality. That is to produce offspring. Super-great friendship can exist without homosexuality. Homosexuality is a perversion of life.
2. Since homosexuality is a non-natural perversion, the people who practice it are corrupted. Their corruption doesn't make them be any less people. Rather, it is simply a fault of their system that should be controlled, like shoplifting, or murdering, etc.
3. There is a fine line between living a life that is against the things that God commands, and, losing salvation, or not, because of it. Salvation is most important, because it is for eternity. This life is short. Move away from all kinds of sinning, especially the sin of not believing Jesus salvation, so that there will be eternal salvation. All sinning weakens faith in Jesus salvation. Living a lifestyle that is against God is a continual weakening of the faith.
4. Christians who are not considerate of the the spiritually weak condition of homosexual people, are doing wrong. Rather, Christians should attempt to show homosexuals that they are turning themselves against God by practicing homosexuality, and that the practice may even lead them to eternal damnation. This, btw, is all that I am trying to do. So, it is love of homosexuals that I am promoting, rather than hate.
5. Homosexual perversion should not become a norm. It invites the young and weak willed people to try it. We don't need such perversion among our people.
6. There will come a time that God will not put up with this kind of perversion in a nation. There will be national punishment for it, besides the punishment that each individual, corrupted person gets. Let's keep the nation strong and out from under the wrath of God. Turn away from all wickedness, not only the wicked corruption of homosexuality.