point is. its like building a house
architects actually design the house by knowing the plumbing arrangements and fitting the room space round it
work out wall cavity space and size of rooms and stuff
its the basics like will it be a combined toilet and shower room, would it have a bath. will there be enough room to dry off without kneeing the toilet when you get out the shower
is it going to be a toilet that pipes out to a separate container or would it be a 'portapotty' that just rolls in and out of the bathroom each time it needs to be emptied
its not just these details needed to design the layout. its also considering the guest experience.
incinerator based sewerage treatment
'hey honey have you burned the toast..
.no dear thats just my turd on the smoker. doesnt it smell pleasant'
you do know that when realters make new homes they do a show home. and then people buy new builds based on the show home
you do know manufacturers make a prototype and then (AFTER) people invest into the company/buy the product
heck even people doing kick starters know to atleast make a prototype and show it works before asking to mega money.
heck asking for timeshare income before they even know the basics.. now thats just very bad/shady business.
especially when he didnt even have the 'experts' hired yet
but it is funny how elwar cannot even make a definitive decision. even after 10 years of time in his supposed 'R&D' exploits of seeking funding for projects
as i said ages ago.
maybe ocean builders might find someone with experience and actual project managing knowhow. but it sure as hell aint elwar. he is a money and waste it kid of guy. loves going on vacation and try getting it as a tax writeoff by calling it R&D yet never shows results
im all for a proper seastead project but elwar just isnt really appearing to be the guy that should be involved. is actual history has done him no favours
The point is that it isn't like building a house. Building a seastead doesn't have anything to do with this thread. That's not what this thread is for, nor any of the others that
Elwar posts in.
You might find a thread in this forum somewhere, where a draftsman actually designed a house for someone in detail. But I doubt it. And such isn't what
Elwar was doing. All he was doing was answering some general questions, and giving folks some general ideas.
Elwar is probably the best guy for seasteading. He's approximately the only person along with Nadia to have ever done it out in the ocean. If there are others, they are very few.
Elwar's experience is beyond just about anybody else.
Then, when you consider that he and Nadia gave the whole Thai nation the slip, I'd say that their practical life experience is far beyond most. He says it; he does it. He has proven it, even in the face of danger.
If you and I want to go out and by new cars, you would absolutely select a different dealership than I would. But badmouthing a dealer (rather than the car) who is showing you his line of cars, is ridiculous. That's all that
Elwar is doing... showing you his line of seasteads
that he is starting to design.
But there you go badmouthing him every chance you get because he doesn't have his designs completed for you, yet.
If you are really like this in real life, no wonder the UK is going down the tubes. Stay over there. We don't need any garbage like you over here... even if you ARE right about
Elwar being some kind of crook.
I'll give you one big piece of credit, though. You have your way set, and you stick to it. You maintain your honor and integrity, even though it is rooted in almost pure, unadulterated garbage. Somebody else would have drowned long ago, trying to maintain garbage like yours.