When I inquired from the attendant, she said he was a regular customer and that he usually raised money for gambling through the manual jobs he does around the area. She also told me that he has never misbehaved and acted violently in the gambling house so she was comfortable with him.
My question now is are there any moral, ethical or legal obligation to bar a person from gambling after physically observing that he is mentally unstable?
Asking the question if mentality unstable people should be allowed to gamble has different dimensions, do you mean if the government should make a law that prevents mentality unstable people from gambling or you mean that the gambling attendant should stop the mentality unstable man from gambling? In both cases it will not actually be easy especially if the mentality sick man really wants to gamble. I will try to explain the two scenarios below and see how we will examine the scenarios and make proper decisions on the topic posted.
Let's say the government enacts a law that prevents mentality sick people from gambling and yet the mentality sick person want to gamble. If they insist and gamble will the gambling attendant be arrested or the mentality sick person. If the casino attendant refuses to grant him access to gamble, he might decide to cause alot of trouble in the shop and its neighbourhood. And if the government arrest such a mentality sick person, how will they arraign him?