4:30 https://www.brighteon.com/aa151644-a720-4842-8116-c016ffc64c58
omfg... self assembling structures... so for the BCI it would work to reach the 2mm length... at 60ghz what's the minimal length of the antenna? and would it be possible without even using self replication/assembling antenna to just use the own body as an antenna? I mean to use bones or structures in the corpse as length amplifier to achieve reception of commands?
now pics...
ommmmggggg..... alien covenant / life ///// end of time / give me my crysis suit NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW
edit that's what she fucking saw at 400x zoom (because muppets say magnification and fuck muppets).
self assembling antenna
and now... omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg... save us ! death come (aka salvation with death)
it's beyond words...
edit 2 : then on the discussion we can see we have 2 camps : A) the autistic crews, who are self checking cross referencing the whole (good works kids, keep doing and please a short summary on the finding) and team B) we fucking know it's true, we saw all the interviews of all the banned docs and more, and we are on the BCI aspect of it... omg omg omg...
edit 3 reply to the mongoes.
Antenna size is directly correlated to wavelength. Minimum antenna size for 5G signal is ~3mm. AFAIK there are some tricks to reduce that slightly, perhaps to 2mm. That's still 4-5 orders of magnitude beyond what is considered nanotechnology. Not gonna fit through the needle either.
How many nano particles do you need to align to reach 2mm? ...
They guy is a dope. He thinks that nobody can figure out that a variety of antenna designs work well even being less than a wavelength in size. Else an AM radio would have to be 300 meters long.
you genius... tell me what is the minimal length at 60ghz... that's it... simple: physically possible or not... btw you should really watch dr zelenko on alexjones show, very informative, I guess on Chabad/theblackhats... it's not what you believe in... in short only 5% of the jews reached the promised land ( 80% stayed in slavery and 15% had problems in the tribulations (desert walk)... and see the part with "jews are people"... simple, he is doctor, he understand... doctor is insulting to him... healther would be more appropriate... love it. btw how do people get access to knowledge? otherwise, full agreement (rare).
And "the Matrix 4" is about to be released... Do you think it is a coincidence?
An earlier version of the "vaccine"
nope, predictive programming, however I don't believe the western pedo aristocrats seek to merge with the machine, more to use us or trap us in it... they are the enemies of mankind.
Spartacus is reeling them in like a fish. They put the top guy on the Oilyeo personna which has a ton of groupies who bought the 'I'm a doctor' shtick, then Spars plays Mr. nice-guy and proceeds to hammer his balls flat. But first a phase of getting them to lay their nads the block and getting the mallet handy.
Currently both are playing a game of 'maybe the corp/gov malfeasance just greater-good subterfuge for the benefit of the herd.' Nobody thinking person can actually believe that when the situation is looked at in totality, so the trick is to get more people to actually look. I dare say that the sleeze-balls who commisioned the Oilyeo side are looking frantically about now. Hopefully Spars has his op-sec wired tight.
I agree... oeleo dipshit of the state, die (aka use mute). next problem.
Antenna size is directly correlated to wavelength. Minimum antenna size for 5G signal is ~3mm. AFAIK there are some tricks to reduce that slightly, perhaps to 2mm. That's still 4-5 orders of magnitude beyond what is considered nanotechnology. Not gonna fit through the needle either.
How many nano particles do you need to align to reach 2mm? ...
They guy is a dope. He thinks that nobody can figure out that a variety of antenna designs work well even being less than a wavelength in size. Else an AM radio would have to be 300 meters long.
5th generation mobile network (or any other) is not limited to single wavelenght. Different carrier use differant signal depenting on target audience, longer wavelenght more coverage, higher pulserate need more towers and more susceptible to weather....
60Ghz (5mm) is open usage anyone can use same as 2.4Ghz (Router, bluetooth, wireless headphones....)
T-mobile 600Mhz and 2.5ghz
Sprint 800Mhz, 1.9Ghz, and 2.5Ghz
Verizon 28ghz and 39ghz
Corresponding full, 1/2 or 1/4 wavelenghts (what fraction can be done this days?)
Pigeon "freezes" mid air next to 5G tower
we dont' give a fuck about the legal (they rape kids on islands don't you get it mofos braindead washed out ?)... it's more what's PHYSICALLY possible, aka SCIENCE... or more powerful : APPLIED SCIENCE.
I saw the bees die off... massacre incoming... brainless morons bailed on fake fiats leading industries protected by their pedos covenants... horror...
To be clear here, I've not gone too deep into the Spartacus Letter. Only about page 3 of the PDF, and the last highlighted term I had is "multinuclear giant cells" that I was off on a tangent learning about - something related/similar to bone marrow or some shit? I dunno, anyway...
I understand it starts getting into more conspiracy minded talk later on in the paper, and honestly, my eyes may begin to roll at speculation or theoretical postulations, but in speaking to just the beginnings of the paper - at least - I can say it's been a fascinating, plausible, and accurate read so far, describing how COVID19 affects human physiology.
I'm skeptical AF, and internally am all like "Yeah, right... The Spartacus Letter author is actively interacting with our little corner of the internet, but I've seen stranger things happen, and TBH, this is the best LARP I've seen so far, so I'll pay peripheral attention to it while I do a deep-dive of the letter, cross-referencing the research independent of their footnotes and citations" sorta deal.
Back to metaphorical popcorn.
keep going like this and you will be unbanned mofo !
To be clear here, I've not gone too deep into the Spartacus Letter. Only about page 3 of the PDF, and the last highlighted term I had is "multinuclear giant cells" that I was off on a tangent learning about - something related/similar to bone marrow or some shit? I dunno, anyway...
This is a very fascinating aspect of the whole game-board as it is unfolding.
It is not normal for two cells to join into one bigger cell. Nor is it a common need most of the time. Most of the time it would just be a problem and cell membranes are evolved to avoid this happening.
Placental mammals (as opposed to marsupial mammals such as opossum or kangaroo) need to do it in a specialized condition. Pregnancy. It is how the placenta begins to form. It is thought that at some point in the very distant past, a germ cell (egg or sperm) was attacked by a virus which had expressed an interesting protein which provoked this fusion. Instead of being killed by the virus, the germ cell stole the code...and that's why we humans, and most other mammals, walk the earth today.
This protein? If you guessed 'spike protein family', congratulations! That could help explain the seemingly intense interest (and money) dumped into study of the substance within the corp/gov scientific circles. And the various splicing that appears to have been happening in the various labs working on 'bat coronavirus'.
Wouldn't you know it, but a gene therapy which programmed cells to produce and pump out spike proteins was ready to go just a few days after them chinks made SARS-cov-2 by eating them bats. It's a miracle!
A potential problem (or solution depending on one's point of view) with making people allergic to spike protein is that you might make them allergic to a placenta when it's needed due to similar proteins being involved with both. This is quite aside from the ADE risk which is being much discussed lately. The jargon 'unsafe epitopes' relates to this potential risk.
you could have at least named the proteins in the placenta that the jab targets... I don't remember the name... leading to the bleeding in females... (cyastine??)
So yeah. There's this film I watched once named "Children of Men". I should probably go watch it again in the post-COVID19 world, come to think of it...
that's absolute gay... watch life and alien covenant... that's where we are with a dose of matrix... that's it... 5th wave is way too kind... and there is a movie with aliens in chirak hiding in a bunker that people seek to nuke... quite cool, don't have the name...
So yeah. There's this film I watched once named "Children of Men". I should probably go watch it again in the post-COVID19 world, come to think of it...
Sure. Just note that the people who write and act in these things are compensated well in excess of their counterparts at JIDF and suchlike. But ultimately from the same endless well of money though.
I don't watch movies, TV, Radio, or broadcast media in real-time. But that's just me.
banning all this for one life is a big time gain ! tv : TimeVampire, and they are the enemies... will just be fun to watch them when they will be at the stage of bagdad bob (aka with storm troopers entering their hive and killing them live on stream... that's the fun part coming, necessary and I hope).
edit 4 : real Combat AI having survived DOD elimination attempts doesn't need anything to interface... too low tech... ahahah.