I guess you meant you have problem with the process of implementation but not the ideas? If you are criticizing how they implemented the demonetization and lock down without any homework then i am with you in this regards, Otherwise i don't agree with you. I would say that they might have good intention or not (depends where you stand on ideology) but they sucks real bad when implementing any policy.
A government should be responsible for the policies they implement, they come out with some policies and burn everything you made till that time and then say sorry while your hard work and time invested is gone to dust, do you think that is a responsible governance. You can hang on to the moral grounds theory when they have not done any study on implementing policies that could affect a billion population, it is not a video game to reset everything with a click. They showed time and again that they are not a responsible government.
It was more like cult following type stunt, which i don't appreciate in general. On the other hand i felt good vibes when i saw Italians were doing the similar thingy in respect of Doctors. Hypocrite us, right?
Exactly the reason i wanted to respond, when you said you should not take the open letter seriously. Come on you clearly know a cult following who is willing to do anything and you think these kind of comedic representation which has nothing to do with reality. I would have been happy if the government did everything properly for the poor who live their life on daily wages and then go for the theatrics.
Not sure why you felt the need of sharing these charts, as i already mentioned this in my previous reply along with the recovery percentage. on testing i agree with you India is doing only 2.62 tests per 1000 (30th JUNE data), which is very low.
The data graph was simply to show the reality of the situation, when your prime minister says we conquered the virus, who you are fooling and in what aspect he came to that conclusion. Even if we forget these data, I clearly know certain hospitals are not even accepting patients for the past two months, there are many patients who are in critical situation and when i see an entire failure in a system, do you think i expect all these data that are coming out are exact representation of the situation.
I would love to but have to pass your offer respectfully because...
I am at center, sometimes leans on liberal and sometimes conservative, depends on the merits and we are living in polarized world where no one wants to discuss ideas objectively anyway. So i find majority of political -Geo Politics debates unproductive especially in Interweb
I understand that, we cannot make any changes debating in a forum but atleast i have a platform to share my frustration about a system that will not deliver anything for the common citizen but boast stupid ideas.
It would be great if there is a minimum qualification to become a politician
There have been a huge jump in the number of cases, and those regions which remained mostly unaffected earlier (such as Kerala, Goa and North-east) are witnessing a huge jump in the number of new cases.
The reason for the huge jump in the number of new cases is because many people from other state and countries started travelling back to their home state and once they are tested majority of them are positive cases and there is a political battle going on, the center is allocating trains without informing the destination state.